
Sindhu Priya

Aktiv seit 2017

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  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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How to activate the code in a callback from a push button in one GUI from another pushbutton from the other GUI?
Hi Jacob, As you are trying to give a pop-up when delete button is pushed, the callback function of the delete button would h...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

How can I add information to a uitable by clicking a checkbox and take it out of the table by unclicking it?
Hi Matthew, Please find the following code snippet, this creates a table and checkbox. table = uitable; uicontrol...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

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How to initialize a variable in a GUI?
Hi Antonette, Here is a way to do it using GUIDE. Add the variable to 'handles' parameter of the 'OpeningFcn' of the GUID...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 4

1.011 from binary to decimal
Hi Ashleigh, The function 'bi2de' can only be used for integers. Please refer the following link for further information. ...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

Can I change the font size in the App Designer editor?
Hi Neil, In R2016b there is no option to change the font size in 'App Designer' Regards, Sindhu

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

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Why am I getting an 'unable to open file' error when using importdata in my batch run?
Hi Shania, One of the potential reasons causing the issue might be the file path. So, try replacing the line input = 'f...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

editor occasionally unresponsive on macbook
Hi Jim, Please refer the following link <

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

Using pcshow on a UI panel
Hi Andre, As far as I know, 'pcshow' does not allow you to plot on any other axes apart from 'figure'. You can use 'scatter3'...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

Excel link not included in update
Hi Anthony, Please refer this <

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

Matlab R2016b very slow on Mac OS 10.12.3
Hi Avinash, There could be multiple causes for the same. Please consider the following workarounds : 1. Git™ integration i...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 2

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How to search a field in a structure and extract all fields that match
Hi Dave, I think, the following code snippet will help you. s.f1= {'Sunday' 'Monday'} s.f2= {'Sunday' 'Monday' ...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 2

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Java Heap Space Memory Matlab2009b Windows
Hi Lousie, Please follow the steps mentioned <

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

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How to code the 3 sigma method
Hi Enrico, There is a small mistake in the logic where you compare the upperbound and lowerbound with the actual values. u...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 0

How to write a script that is the same as the function rem (remainder)?
If the use case is to get the reminders for the set of numerators with each element from the set of denominator, then using any ...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 0

Odd initial figure behavior in R2016b
As MathWorks officially did not support all flavors of linux (check this < link> for...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 0

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How to plot multiple lines on one plot using the curve fitting tool
You can try using 'hold on' command to plot multiple curves on a single graph. Refer <

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 0

How to get the sum of of particular column using group by functionality while pulling data from sql using jdbc?
You can try this SQL query to group the data select column1,column2,sum(column3) as column3 from tablename group by column...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 0