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Time Series Forecasting Using Deep Learning (LSTM)
Yes. Please follow the examples here: h...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
Perform FFT from imported excel data. Help please
Signal = D(:,2); RD = str2double(R) is making a matrix of NaNs. So, you can use D instead of R.
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
find a set of data in an array
idx = find(A~=0); B = A(idx); idx and B have the same size and order. I believe this is what you are looking for?
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
How can I select rows in an array based on the values in the first column of another array?
new_array = second_array(first_array,:)
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 1
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adding different number of columns to specific row
Try using the table join() method: Example: M_obs = readtable('book...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
How to display all values of an iteration?
for i = 1:100 xc = (x1 + x2)/2; if f(x1)*f(xc)<0 x2 = xc; else x1 = xc; end disp(['x1...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 1
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How to replace a rectangle with another rectangle?
I tried this, it worked for me: r = rectangle('FaceColor', [0.2 0.2 0.7]); r.FaceColor = [0.2 0.2 0.2];
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
Changing array size of user input data
myCell = {}; k = 0; for i = 1:5:number k = k + 1; myCell{k,1} = i:min(i+4,number); end writecell(myCell,fullfile(...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
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Problem with function handle for Basis function in fitrgp
load(fullfile(matlabroot,'examples','stats','gprdata2.mat')) In this case, your x is n x 1; hfcn returns H, which has size n ...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
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Errors using function and fsolve
% *Set universal constants:* global surr sink sigma sigma = 5.67e-8; % Stefan-Boltzmann constant (in W/m^2/K^4) % % *S...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
Linear regression outputs (regstat function)
The first one is for the constant coefficient (aka intercept term). I believe you have only one predictor x, then your model is...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
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T-wave on ECG
If I understood right what you are asking, you need to find the peaks for P,Q,R,S, and T using findpeaks(). https://www.mathwo...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
making dataset 3D data function
Let's assume your variables are named as 'input01', 'input02', ... 'input48'. my3Ddata = []; myMeanData = []; varnames = wh...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
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How can I save a image from imshow into a cell array ?
I don't think you need the imshow(). imshow() is only used to show the image, and it returns an image object, which is not norma...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
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Piecewise function of y
It's a bit hard to understand the issue here. Please let me know if this is not what you are looking for: plot(C2(20:90), heigh...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
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Replacing NaN with blanks in a matrix
I believe you are looking for fillmissing() or rmmissing(): https:/...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
linear regression of time series with time index
If you have a fixed equation like the one provided, I believe you are looking for parameter estimation methods to find beta_0, b...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
please explain the solution
K = round(Tuq'*eye(5)*Tuq,2); M = [ m 0 0 ; 0 m 0 ; 0 0 I ]; eq = det(K*k-w1*M); s = solve(eq,w1); will prevent sym() to con...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
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FFT filter on voice file help please
There are multiple ways you can filter these data. You can use bandpass, high or low pass filters, or any other specific filters...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
Fourier Transform in Simulink
Change the Samples per frame property on the Sine Wave block:
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
Digital signal processing LINEAR AND CIRCULAR CONVOLUTION length-N sequences error
x = [2+3j 3-1j -1+2j 3j 2+4j];
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
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How to detect variations in data?
Depends on how complex of a solution you are looking for. There are algorithms for change point detection that you can try. htt...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 1
Which Right Eigenvector to report?
I assume you meant 'right' as opposed to 'left' eigen vectors. [V,D] = eig(A); % to get left eigenvectors, [V,D,W] = eig(A), he...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
Creating a table for the "For-loop command" results:
Even though there are many more efficient ways to do this, this is a simple addition to your code: clear clc n=input('Enter t...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
How to extract sub-matrices from a big matrix?
% to find the matched date and store the that day along with the following 5 days (120 hours) in another matrix. for n = 1:siz...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 1
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How to change nonzero values to 1 within a table?
tempTable = table2array(myTable); tempTable(tempTable~=0)=1; myTable = array2table(tempTable);
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
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Replace NaN's in a table - I need some help
T2.col1(ismissing(T2.col1)) = "Behezad"; T2.col2(ismissing(T2.col2)) = "RAD"; T2.col3(ismissing(T2.col3)) = "MORD";
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 1
Adding values of Columns in a matrix to create another matrix (for loop)
dim=size(E_min,2); % dim = 25 fun = @(E) A*exp(-E/kT); Np = []; nyi = []; for i = 1:dim Np(i)=integral...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 1
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How to mark a specific point on CDF graph?
Assuming you have 4 cdf arrays, you can find the x-values as: cdf1ind = find(cdf1>=.80,1,'first'); x1 = x(cdf1ind); cdf2ind = ...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
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How to write a code to estimate parity of numbers in a sequence?
bnumbers = [5 0 8 3 9 2 7 6 1 4 8 1 0 5 9 7 2 6 3 4]'; bresponse = [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]'; bbinary = ...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0
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