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How to brows variable names of a structure and select the closest to a given string?
Hi there, I imported motion capture data to Matlab in the form of a structure. e.g. Experiment1 file: data.head_12.time; dat...
5 Monate vor | 1 Antwort | 0
AntwortIn Simulink, how can I add switches which open or close at a certain time?
What did you try? Did you get any errors? You will need to set threashold to 0.5 in the switches and modify the values in the ...
fast 2 Jahre vor | 0
| akzeptiert
Rewrite the complete matlab codes
This is not ChatGPT ... Although, I wonder what the answer would be ... Please give us some context (what do you want to achiev...
fast 2 Jahre vor | 0
Loop Code Through Each Row of Excel Spreadsheet and Save Result Matrix
The issue is with your indexing. You declare K as the index and use i inside the loop. I agree with Cris, you don't need a loo...
etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0
How to display heatmap in Simulink
Not sure you can use heatmap in simulink ... You can try building the appropriate signal/matrix and feed it to the Video Viewer...
mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0
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how can I plot this figures
Try the function contourf: x = linspace(-2*pi,2*pi); y = linspace(0,4*pi); [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); Z = sin(X) + cos(Y); fi...
mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0
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How to work on multiple arrays with one for loop
We need more information about how you define your variables and their size to provide you with the best solution. In the meant...
mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0
Is this correct?
x = -15:1:15;% init x y = nan*x;% init y to be of same size as x for index = -15:15; if index<0; y(index+16) = ...
mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0
only one simulink control two arduino mega2560
Hi, Connecting two arduinos to Simulink is not easy. Could you explain what you are trying to achieve? FYI, Arduino Mega 256...
mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0
Assemble the generated graph
"unwrap" function is designed to do that. If you are trying to code a similar function, then you can look at the rate of chang...
mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0
explain about plot (z_x,z_y)
You get a two graph plot where the x axis data is the first column of z_x, and y axis data is the first two columns of z_y. It'...
fast 3 Jahre vor | 0
p1 variable does not exist simulink,psat
Well, you need to define P1. Do you know where it is in your simulink sketch? You either need to define it in the callback func...
fast 3 Jahre vor | 1
How to get the vector end point?
Appologies if I misunderstood your question. A sketch could help understand what you want to do. I assume VEC_Gc is the cross p...
fast 3 Jahre vor | 0
How to filter the noise out from the ECG signal
I would also recommend a zero-phase filter using filtfilt function to avoid the introduction of phase lag after filtering the si...
fast 3 Jahre vor | 0
Saving the output figures using saveas() as full sized images
Try the export_fig function in File exchange. The function will give you control over the size of the figure. https://au.mathw...
fast 3 Jahre vor | 0
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How to speed up for loop with if condition
Not sure if it speeds up the code, but you can try the following: tilt = 0*delta_tilt; for k = 1:(size(delta_tilt, 1)-1) ...
fast 3 Jahre vor | 1
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How can I assign multiple inputs into variables
There are dimension issues with the code. When prompted to enter the value of M1, do you enter a single value of a vector? E.g...
fast 3 Jahre vor | 0
How do I save a series of Output images in a folder (that is inside a for loop)?
Have a look at export_fig:
mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0
Plotting a dashed line onto a graph
add this to your plot: x_from = 3;% the dotted line starts at x = 3 x_to = 5;% the dotted line finished at x = 5 yvalue = 2.3...
mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0
Graphs not matching, please help
Not sure I understand what you need. To make your figure as close as the target, you can try to: - add titles and axis labels...
mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0
Calculations of Angle between two points
As mensioned by others, you need 3 points or two vectors to define an angle. You can use this code to compute the angle defined...
mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0
Why do I obtain identical graphs while for loop is accessing different sets of data stored in different column?
Check the following: - length(CHANNEL) is not equal to 1 - data in neural.spikes(:,1) are different from neural.spikes(:,2)?...
mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0
How I can create this matrix?
I just translated what you described. Next time try something on your own. Then ask for help when you are stuck. Learning comes ...
mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0
How to use mouse wheel to zoom in/out while running "impixel" function simultaneously?
I am trying to select pixels in a large image. To get accurate selection, I need to zoom in and out in different locations. I ...
mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0
AntwortHow to obtain image from gige camera compatible
(It's an old post but this might help others) Check the properties of your network and see if you have a custom filter driver i...
etwa 4 Jahre vor | 0
How to remove rows or Cols in MATLAB?
Let A be your matrix. You can remove the last 2D matrix like this: A(:, :, 38) = []; Replace "38" by the index of the 2D matri...
etwa 4 Jahre vor | 1
How can I get [From video device] block to work with usb or gige cameras?
Update: Removing the GigE adapter solved some of the issues. The webcam (without the adapter installed) works great with the USB...
etwa 4 Jahre vor | 0
How can I get [From video device] block to work with usb or gige cameras?
Hi, I am having trouble using a block from the image acquisition toolbox in simulink. I have installed the necessary hardware s...
etwa 4 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0
Given a circular pizza with radius _z_ and thickness _a_, return the pizza's volume. [ _z_ is first input argument.] Non-scor...
mehr als 8 Jahre vor