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PIKE F505B camera communication troubles
In Matlab 2017b I am having some troubles using the Pike F505B camera of Allied Vision Technologies. I did not seem to have thes...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0 Antworten | 1



Plotting from a mat file
load('Podatci.mat') figure(1); plot(AVHRR_91_08(:,1), AVHRR_91_08(:,5), CMC_91_08(:,1), CMC_91_08(:,5)) just like this bu...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0


Making an array Fails for mysterious reason (small stepsize)
In short: fs = 50000; x1 = (0:1/fs:1); find(x1==0.5) This works fine. The value of 0.5 is found in the array. ...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 2 Antworten | 0



How to remove rows having repeating elements from a matrix?
The below method is not elegant but it works. A=[ 1 2 1 4; 1 2 3 4; 3 2 1 4; 3 3 2 1]; index = zeros(1,size(A,1))...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

Determining frequecnies from plot
% suppose 't' is your time vector. Ideally its length is a multiple of the periods of the signal. % You need to try and fi...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

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All possible permutations of rows in table and generate variables.
You can make combinations as follows: IP = [101:110]; % end part of your IP adresses combIP = combvec(IP,IP)'; % Make co...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

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How i find period and frequency of signal
Use fourier transform t=0:0.01:70-0.01; % I chose the maximum time to be a multiple of 7. % You need to try and fit an e...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 1

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How to cut a signal en two parts?
You better make some x-axis parameter, I called it 't'. From there on it is basically the same as wat Star strider told you. ...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 1

Modification to GUIDE corrupts FIG-file
I'm no expert. But I had lots of troubles with the GUIfigs and I just downloaded a matlab 'b'-version and the problems stopped. ...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

GUI red circle indicating connection
Personally I would do it with axes yes. Below an example of green and red circle depending on parameter x. x = [0 1]; f...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

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delete Xn,Yn and Zn points from point cloud that are equal to Xn, Yn and Zn point from another cloud
Suppose your variables are called OriginalPointCloud % (4500x3) BrushData % (600x3) NewPointCloud = Origin...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

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Counting amoutn of pulses
An easy way would be using the fact that your data makes jumps. If you have the data in vectors. You could try the same as in ...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

How can I change the color of a circle according to a changing variable?
Hi fellow Belgian, Look at the following code and the provided comments x = [0 0 1 1 0]; y = [0 1 1 0 0]; % 'name...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

plot exponential Fourier series !!
It's because you are dividing by zero. When n = 0 then cn is infinity. Because of that, matlab can't plot your result. If yo...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

Finding energy of speech signal
You could take the rms value of all columns of x. After that, define your own threshold to determine what is speech and what isn...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

Dividing speech signal into short-time segments?
If your sound signal is a vector, try to use reshape. For example from the info I understand that your sound signal would be a ...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

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How to set data cursor to max value programically?
x = 0:pi/20:2*pi; y = sin(x*0.3)+2*cos(2*x); [max_val,index] = max(y); h =figure; hPlot = plot(x,y); ...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 1

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Finding locations on a graph (1x1x1 cube) and replacing values with zero
% Do not use for loops, you can make a vector of random values in one % go. x=rand(1000,1); y=rand(1000,1); ...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0

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