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Plotting data dependent on three independent variables.
Use scatteredInterpolant() to compute a resultant surface with three independent inputs. Use isosurface() or slice() to plot th...

ein Tag vor | 0

Only the first if-statement block executes,
if 0 <= alpha <= pi/2 MATLAB interprets that as if ((0 <= alpha) <= pi/2) the first part, 0 <= alpha, produces a logical valu...

ein Tag vor | 0

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Display Image to a specific Monitor
get(0,'MonitorPositions') will return a list of [StartX, StartY, Width, Height] coordinates. You would access the StartX and ...

2 Tage vor | 0

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Standalone Matlab App Runtime Error
The function boolean() is part of stateflow, which cannot be compiled....

3 Tage vor | 0

Open data in File as per user input

3 Tage vor | 0

how to enable mex detect the C/C++ compiler (integrated in Visual Studio 2022) on older MATLAB (R2018b) ?
My matlab version is 2018b, and visual studio version is 2022. MATLAB R2018b has no support for VS 2018 or later. https://www....

3 Tage vor | 0

How can I keep the first two elements from CSV values in a string
FilteredData = regexp(YourTable.ColumnName, '^[^,]+(,\s+[^,]+)?', 'match', 'once');

3 Tage vor | 0

Can a student license be used on multiple computers at a same time R2024a Version?
fullfile(matlabroot, 'license_agreement.txt') 1. License Options 1.1. Individual License Option (i) The Individual Li...

3 Tage vor | 0

Can I use my gpu to fasten my multiobjective optimization using gamultiobj?
In order to use GPU inside of parallel computations you would need to have one distinct GPU for each parallel computation. It i...

4 Tage vor | 1

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Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Change Conv = Aspen.Tree.FindNode("\Data\Results Summary\Run-Status\Output\PER_ERROR").Value; %Convergence to ConvNode = Aspe...

6 Tage vor | 1

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how to draw a peak line
mask = islocalmaximum(YourSignal); peak_times = YourSignalTimes(mask); peak_values = YourSignal(mask); plot(peak_times, pea...

6 Tage vor | 0

Error code line 19 with my Y=f(x), equation used is x^3+x^2-4x-4
equation used is x^3+x^2-4x-4 X=[x0 x1 x2]; Y=f(X); You are passing a vector of X values to f. You have coded x^3+x^2-4x-4 ex...

6 Tage vor | 0

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The code returns a value in the form of "theta_3b(x, z) =.". How can I get this to return just theta_3b=
theta_3b = vpa(subs(theta_3b, {x,y,z}, {X,Y,Z})); fprintf('theta_3b = %s\n', char(theta_3b))

8 Tage vor | 0

Convert string to 256 Characters
TEXT = sprintf('%256s', 'Unformatted Data Version='); fprintf(FILEID, "%s\n", TEXT)

8 Tage vor | 0

Number of bits per symbol (m) range in Reed-Solomon coding
What am I supposed to do if I want to construct a message with length of 20 (as an example) and each symbol has bit (i.e., 0 or ...

8 Tage vor | 0

what is the process to store the "gaborMag,[]" into a variable like x?
I suspect that you are asking how to store the output of imshow(gaborMag,[]); into a variable such as x. The answer is gM_sc...

8 Tage vor | 0

How to effectively solve the problem of incompatibility of AppDesigner using symbol toolkit syms after packaging and publishing into exe and other executable files?
Break your code up into pieces. In the first piece, write your symbolic calculations in terms of constants and symbolic variabl...

8 Tage vor | 0

Can I call a function from another function and not come back?
You have a small number of possibilities: set(0,'Rec​ursionLimi​t',N) -- change the recusion limit write a third function that...

12 Tage vor | 0

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How to turn a movie into a gif?
Before the for i loop insert filename = 'Output.gif'; Change F(i)=getframe; to F(i)=getframe; if i == 1; SZ = size(F(...

12 Tage vor | 0

waitfor( ) isn't working for a SerialPort
waitfor(app.PicoCom, 'NumBytesAvailable', 0); % wait until it's REALLY done

13 Tage vor | 0

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Error using plot Invalid data argument.
I would guess that you need plot(categorical(x), y) and plot(categorical(x), z)

13 Tage vor | 0

"Unable to compute number of steps from 0 to n by 1" error for symbolic integration
syms z positive syms b positive %... F(z,u_f,lam_f,sigma,ep,b,d)=vpaintegral(nCk(n,0:n,z),alpha,b, z); You are trying to vpa...

14 Tage vor | 0

Extracting the base name and size of symbolic variables
syms a [3 3] real That is equivalent to a = sym('a', [3 3], 'real') mu(x) = (r.*x).*(1-a*x) When scanning that code, the va...

14 Tage vor | 0

Error using inputdlg() second time through same code
Options=['YES','NO'] ['YES','NO'] is a request to horzcat('YES', 'NO') which gives the single character vector result 'YESNO' ....

15 Tage vor | 0

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fprintf not printing to command window when asking for input.
Is it possible that you are using LiveScript ? When you use LiveSript, the output of fprintf() goes to the script window rather ...

17 Tage vor | 0

Confusing interaction between "Callback" and "KeyPressFcn" for "edit"-style UIControl
Changing the String property of a uicontrol is not reflected on the display until the user presses Enter or moves the focus away...

17 Tage vor | 1

Matlab Petrel 2018 connector
You can request the support package for Petrel at

18 Tage vor | 0

Asking for help with variables
% Interplaca T = table(); T.b_inter_PGA = regress(data_inter.res_PGA, X_inter); T.b_inter_PGV = regress(data_inter.res_PGV, X...

19 Tage vor | 1

How to fix this Error? __ No constructor 'handle.listener' with matching signature found.
Try changing it to list = [... listener(axlisth,findprop(axlisth(1),'OuterPosition'), ... 'Proper...

19 Tage vor | 0

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