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Turn sequence into a loop
To turn the given sequence into a loop, you can use a for loop to iterate over the gear_ratio_combo and idler values. Here's an ...
10 Monate vor | 0
Can anyone give Matlab code for Miminization of reactive power using binary particle swarm optimization(BPSO)?
Hi @Miljan Kotlaja, I can provide you with some guidance on how to approach this problem. To minimize reactive power using BPS...
10 Monate vor | 0
DDE23 - specifying which variables are delayed
Hi Emse_, In the dde23 function, you can specify which variables are lagged by providing the appropriate indices in the lags pa...
10 Monate vor | 0
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Different answers on different computers
Hi Eyüp Ege, The issue you are experiencing with different results on different PCs is likely due to the numerical instability ...
10 Monate vor | 2
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How to achieve tracking using trackerJPDA with the position matrix below?
Hi umutcan, Your issue appears to be related to the values in your position matrix and how the detections are being processed. ...
10 Monate vor | 0
Using state space in simulink
Hi Marina, x in the state space block represents "state vector", In state space representation, a state vector refers to a set ...
10 Monate vor | 1
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Where can i access the variables defined in the official Double Lane Change Reference Application example by matlab?
Hi Rohit, I have tried to open this example from my end and found a way to modify the variables, Here are the steps that I hav...
10 Monate vor | 0
how to plot the dose volume histogram using dose map and the mask?
Hi Farah, It seems like the issue you're facing is related to the alignment of the dose map and the mask. When interpolating th...
10 Monate vor | 0
I need help fixing backtracking function on code for puzzle solver.
Hi Adrian, The code you provided seems to be missing the main function that calls the findNextCell function. Without the main f...
10 Monate vor | 0
How can plot spatial diagram for cross diffusion
Hi harpreet kaur, You can use the surf plot to visualize a spatial diagram for cross diffusion in MATLAB. The surf function cre...
10 Monate vor | 0
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How to set two or more inputs in fuzzy logic controller in simulink?
Hi kuan chan lai, If you have two or more inputs for your fuzzy logic controller (FLC) in Simulink, you can set it up effective...
10 Monate vor | 0
Why do i only get 1 of 2 roots of this function when using Newtons method? What am i missing?
Hi Revend Mustafa, The issue with your code is that it only updates the value of x once in each iteration of the while loop, re...
10 Monate vor | 0
Can I generate/replicate an entirely new text using an autoencoder trained on a different set of text?
Hi NAVNEET NAYAN , Yes, it is possible to generate an entirely new set of input text using the trained autoencoder "AE". Once t...
10 Monate vor | 1
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Radially Symmetric Heatmap in a Sphere
Hi Tom, I understand that you want to visualize heat diffusion in the spherical coordinate system, Here's an outline on how to...
11 Monate vor | 0
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Not able to load the exported MATLAB DL model in TensorFlow
Hi Arka Roy, It seems like you are trying to load a model that was exported from MATLAB into Python using the “exportNetwork” c...
11 Monate vor | 0
Can classes or class variables be used in stateflow charts / test sequences
Hi Brad Williams, It is not possible to directly use object methods in Stateflow charts. Stateflow charts only support basic da...
11 Monate vor | 0
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How to make a text file from functions
Hi Chloe, To generate a text file using MATLAB functions, utilize the "fprintf" function to input the desired content into the ...
11 Monate vor | 0
Unable to use custom *.fis file in simulink
Hi Siqi Wang, It's advisable to utilize the most recent version of MATLAB. Therefore, consider updating MATLAB to the latest ve...
11 Monate vor | 0
Getting Error/ warning for Fuzzy logic
Hi MAZBAHUR KHAN, To solve this issue, you can try out the following steps, Increase input range values of the fuzzy inference...
11 Monate vor | 0
How to generate C++ code from a *.fis file?
Hi Shaun Enoch, To generate C++ code from .fis file, you can follow below steps, STEP 1: strcture creation and evaluation: Be...
11 Monate vor | 0
input 2 expects a value in range [-0.5 0.3], but has a value of 0.442213.
Hi Mücahit, To fix the error "input expects value in range", you can try out the following steps, Normalize the dataset by div...
11 Monate vor | 0
DC motor and H bridge simulation
Hi Vishnu , Developing a simulation model for your linear motor with 3 positive and 3 negative ports in Simulink can be achieve...
11 Monate vor | 0
Multiple Simulations: How to see logged data in Data Inspector?
Hi Mark, To re-enable the display of logged data from Multiple Simulations in the Data Inspector, you can refer to the below st...
11 Monate vor | 0
Using live function within live script
Hi Dustin, Yes, it is possible to display the contents of a live function within a live script in MATLAB. You can integrate tex...
11 Monate vor | 0
How to locate MATLAB in Simscape battery onramp.
Hi DineshKumar, To locate MATLAB in desktop in simscape battery onramp, you can either minimize the simulink page or use alt-ta...
11 Monate vor | 1
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Can I charactrize LFP cell in "Characterize Battery Cell for Electric Vehicles"?
Hi Benel, Yes, you can characterize an LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) cell in the "Characterize Battery Cell for Electric Vehicle...
11 Monate vor | 0
Performance of SystemObject vs Class
Hi Friedrich, Replacing nested SystemObjects with normal classes may not necessarily lead to a performance increase in the gene...
11 Monate vor | 0
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How can I generate code from the system I've designed in the fuzzy logic designer?
Hi Nurul Ainina, I understand that you want to generate the code from fuzzy logic designer, To generate code for a fuzzy log...
12 Monate vor | 0
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s it possible to use the matlab system identification toolbox to conduct dam modal analysis based on strong earthquake records? ARX or ARMAX is adopted.
Hi lLongjiang, I understand that you want to use System Identification Toolbox to implement ARX or ARMAX algorithm. Yes, it...
12 Monate vor | 0
model predictive control toolbox
Hi K Kalanithi, I understand that you want to know the difference between “mpcobj” and “sim” commands in Model Predictive Cont...
etwa ein Jahr vor | 1