Dishant Arora
Panjab University
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What kind of function can I use to measure the tightness of each cluster in matlab?
<https://in.mathworks.com/help/stats/evalclusters.html evalclusters> You may opt for silhouette score.
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 1
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How to import data for multiple files in "for" loop?
<http://matlab.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ#How_can_I_process_a_sequence_of_files.3F How can I process a sequence of files?>
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
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How to import data from workspace to simulink using input port ( not simin or from mat file)
You should make use of from workspace(simin) block for importing data from workspace. Inport block is used to establish the link...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
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Clearing an image on a push button
set(handles.pushbutton1 , 'Cdata' , []);
fast 10 Jahre vor | 0
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How to use subplot in conjunction with set function on plot
Axes1 = subplot(1 , 2, 1); h1 =plot(x1 , y1); Axes2 = subplot(1 , 2 , 2); h2 = plot(x2 , x2) Here Axes1 and Axes2 are han...
fast 10 Jahre vor | 0
Proportional text font size, or editing font size when figure resize occurs?
get(0 , 'ScreenSize') % Gives the default screen size in pixels get(0 , 'ScreenPixelsPerInch') % Gives the default R...
fast 10 Jahre vor | 0
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how to get simulink model outputs simultaneously(when the simulation is running)?
You can bring or save simulation results to your workspace by making use of following blocks. 1.) to workspace form the sinks...
fast 10 Jahre vor | 1
How to plot grey level variation along horizontal cross-section of any image according to position of the mouse?
I = imread('cameraman.tif'); [row , column] = size(I); imshow(I) [x , ~] = ginput(1); plot(1:column , I(x , :))
etwa 10 Jahre vor | 0
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how to read mutiple images from folder without overwriting of matrix and images
Check this out <http://matlab.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ#How_can_I_process_a_sequence_of_files.3F How can I process a sequence of files?...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
Use *inport* block to read data from matlab workspace. Check this <http://www.mathworks.in/help/simulink/slref/inport.html inpo...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 1
How can I insert row into matrix?
A1(3 , 1:2) = A(1,:);
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
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How to make Xaxis (y=0) black in grid
You can change axis color by changing the _xcolor_ or _ycolor_ property of axis: h = gca; set(h , 'ycolor' , [1,1,1]); se...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
Assign value to a circular mask
Use logical indexing. circDisk = double(mask); % Converting mask to the type double circdisk(mask) = 5 % or whatever value...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
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Loading multiple excel files with different names
See <http://matlab.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ#How_can_I_process_a_sequence_of_files.3F How can I process a sequence of files?>
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
How to do polar plot correctly?
Define your _symb_ a cell array that is symb = {'ro' 'bd' 'gs' 'm^' 'cv' 'r+' 'bx'} To know where you went wrong, check...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
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Convert cell into double
If your data follow this strict order and the 3rd column refers to date, try this: function y = fun(x) if isnan(str2double...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 1
I have an image and want to make a rectangle around black part which is in the middle of image.
Go for connected component labelling and check out for bounding boxes parameter, plot it. For more information check out this de...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 1
How to plot dynamically signals of different axis individually?
plot(x1 , y1 , 'r' , x2 , y2 , 'b') or doc hold
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
how to save all pixel co-ordinate locations as a vector ??
% Use Linear Indexing/Vector Indexing ind = 1:M*N; % For an image of dimension MxN
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
how to replace elements of a matrix position wise?????
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 2
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How do i create a hole or cut a certain portion of a plane in GUI?
Z = zeros(100,100); Z(40:60,40:60) = nan; mesh(Z)
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 1
how to display images using subplot in right corner of gui
h = subplot('position' , [0.7,0.7,0.2,0.2]) % [left bottom width height] imshow(imageName , 'parent' , h);
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 1
how i divide n images present in a folder into 4 equal parts
<http://matlab.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ#How_do_I_split_an_image_into_non-overlapping_blocks.3F How do I split an image into non-overla...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
Produce pulse of desired power
Because maximum absloute value of a sample in sequence can't exceed sqrt(E) and can be equal to sqrt(E) if and only if its a sin...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 1
please tell me the meaning of following code
This code is calculating probably density function of colors(black, white, red , yellow and so on) present in image out of an im...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
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How do i add button to a output figure from GUI?
<http://blogs.mathworks.com/videos/2005/10/03/guide-video-part-two/?s_tid=Blog_Videos_Category How to pass data from one GUI to ...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
Could you guys explain me how to get a value back in a case like this...?
Make use of global variables or see <http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/ref/assignin.html assignin>
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
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