How Can I create a function as a string
function grade=mygrade(grade) arguments grade(1,1) string = input('Write the grade:';'s') end grade = lo...

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 0

how to change back to the right base for answers?
Or just call format short

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 0

Run Python script with numpy and pandas in Matlab
The python that MATLAB is calling apparently does not have numpy installed properly. Check your system path for the version of ...

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 0

Will there ever be a dark mode version of MATLAB?

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 2

How can I solve x^4-1=0
x = 1

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Python Matlab engine - Cannot read simulink output
Extract the simout to a timetable, then pass the timetable back to python either via writing to disk as a CSV, or converting to ...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Convert Python list Type to MATLAB double
q = py.list({1,2,3}) cq = cell(q) [cq{:}]

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Display image using HTML within app designer does not work
One way to do this is to explicitly base64 encode the image data. Here's an example for PNG file, you'd have to change the HTML...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

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Create table in a for loop with text
Confused as to why you're using excel ranges with csv input. Either way, this should be doable in one shot with readall(datasto...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Integration using Cumtrapz backwards instead of forwards
Easy solution is to just flip everything L_dist =[10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0]; locations=[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]; shear.z = fl...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

| akzeptiert

How execute a jar generated with Compiler SDK from windows prompt.
I'd strongly recommend that you create a "sample" with the Compiler SDK. Then the output will contain a getting started guide w...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Is the LiveScript Editor Connected to the Base Workspace?
The red pause button is any execution, not just execution from the live editor.

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Error when executing MATLAB app methods via parfeval and BackgroundWorker pool.
MainFunc should be an external function you call and not an app class method. The app can update itself with the results of the...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

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creating a PDF report using simulation results.
I'd strongly encourage you to look at the report generator task examples and specifically the tables section. https://www.mathw...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Remove the Last Entry of Many Fields of a Structure
data.test1=1:10; data.test2=3:12; data.test3=2:11; data.test4=1:10; data.test5=2:10; data.test6=4:12; data.test7=5:13; n ...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

How to find pythagorean triangle's hypotenuse in a matrix?
This will be the most numrically stable. a = [5 8 12 3; 8 12 63 20; 9 84 144 20; 24 11 15 180]; b = [12 6 5 4; 15 35 16 21; 40...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 2

Use icons of different shapes for push button in AppDesigner
You could use a uiimage instead. Then set it's ImageClickedFcn instead of ButtonPushedFcn callback.

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

nlmpc (nonlinear model predictive control) in Simulink for code generation
The command from MATLAB you'll want to use is nlmpcmoveCodeGeneration Compute nonlinear MPC control moves with code generation...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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How to parse file name text and save values to variables
Look at various combinations of the following functions split contains matches extractBetween, extractBefore, extractAfter

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Modify attributes of inherited property
You could instead author your own class that passes through to a mechss object it stores as a private property. Then you can ca...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

With 2021b's New Python Functionality, is there a way to view an interpreter's output?
>> pyrunfile('') % saving as, changing folder, and commenting broken on_moved Modified Item C:\Documents\MATLAB\Sc...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

empty array size is stuck on 1x3
You may want to look at gpxread. Read GPX file - MATLAB gpxread (

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

When there's an error in a function triggered by Appdesigner, how to stop execution before app management?
dbstop if caught error

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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Fill background pixels with the value of the nearest foreground pixel
Hi Matt, The second output from bwdist is the index of the closest pixel. I think this is all you need to then index back. [~...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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How to activate bubble chart
Bubblechart was added to core MATLAB in R2020b. You'll need to upgrade to this release or find a variant on the file exchange.

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

Restore old editor in R2021b?
I changed these settings and it greatly improved the font for me: s = settings; s.matlab.fonts.custom.editor.FontToUse.Persona...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 9

Adding bulleted list to PowerPoint using MATLAB Report Generator
The template should not be a pptx file but a potx file.

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Convert String to numbers
s = ["0001" "0002"] n = double(s)

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

MATLAB App Testing - Confirmation dialog boxes
You can dismiss and alert but not a confirmation dialog yet. Capability for alerts added in 21a.

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

Code conversion using matlab coder
Being pedantic, you should NOT be using scripts but functions for everything. So step 1 is convert everything to functions. Re...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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