Create table in a for loop with text
4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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I am creating a table in a for loop in Matlab. The table should contain the answer for each iteration of the loop.
On each iteration the, the answer that is produced is the name of a soccer player. I want to create a table that stores the list of the names of soccer players. For example
When I write the below code, it comes out as NaN.
1 Kommentar
Image Analyst
am 21 Nov. 2021
After you read this:
attach one of your CSV files and your m-file. We cannot run an image and can't run an m-file with no data.
And I think B should be
B = cell(length(files), 1);
before the loop.
Antworten (2)
Yongjian Feng
am 21 Nov. 2021
Bearbeitet: Yongjian Feng
am 21 Nov. 2021
Try this:
files = dir('*.csv');
B = {};
for i = 1:length(files)
csv = readtable(files(i).name, 'Range', 'A1:I8'); % Double check please to make sure
Player = csv(1,2);
Player = table2array(Player) % no ; here, print it out for debug. put it back later
%Player=str2double(Player); % WHY? A player's name can't be converted
%to double
B{end+1} = Player;
T = table(B', 'VariableName', {'Player'})
2 Kommentare
Peter Perkins
am 23 Nov. 2021
Bearbeitet: Peter Perkins
am 23 Nov. 2021
Player = csv(1,2);
Player = table2array(Player)
can't be the best way to do this. More than likely
Player = csv{1,2};
or (much) better yet:
Player = csv.Player(1) % or whatever column heading is in the file
Sean de Wolski
am 23 Nov. 2021
Confused as to why you're using excel ranges with csv input. Either way, this should be doable in one shot with readall(datastore).
ds = datastore("*.csv")
ds % MODIFY the settings to only read the (1,2) element. Specify header rows, text type as string, etc.
T = readall(ds)
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