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Compute magnitude and phase response of voice data using FFT
Hi Osman, To compute the magnitude and phase response of your voice data using FFT in MATLAB, you can follow these steps: Reco...

10 Tage vor | 0

Can we use xcorr() for continuous signals
Hi Sadiq, In MATLAB, the "xcorr()" function is generally used for discrete signals rather than continuous ones. However, if you...

10 Tage vor | 0

How can I calculate skewness and kurtosis of an image?
Hi Vidhya, To calculate descriptive statistics (such as mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, etc.) for an image, you first need ...

14 Tage vor | 0

image processing <<problem with gui>>
Hi, I understand that you are looking for a mechanism to display the original image alongside the result image after applying ...

14 Tage vor | 0

How to create a slice of an Image in Matlab
Hi Raviteja, Please refer to the answer section of a related MATLAB Answer attached below. It explains how to slice an image us...

14 Tage vor | 0

btplane slicing of image
Hi Surya, Bit plane slicing involves decomposition of an image into its constituent bit planes which represent the bits of each...

14 Tage vor | 0

error: Invalid input data. Invalid number of spatial dimensions. Layer expects 0 but received 2.
Hi Yeon, The error message you are encountering is because of the mismatch in input format expected by the "sequenceInputLayer"...

14 Tage vor | 0

Reconstruct a signal from PSD
Hi Amelia, I understand that you want to reconstruct a signal from its Power Spectral Density (PSD). This can be a little trick...

15 Tage vor | 0

How to present our data in different graphs
Hi Sadiq, After going through the data attached, I suggest you to consider about the following graphs: 1. Boxplots: You can u...

15 Tage vor | 0

Matlab code for 10-fold Cross Validation performance for individuall fold
Hi Jaypal, I can help you with the necessary steps to evaluate the accuracy of individual folds in 10-fold Cross validation. Yo...

3 Monate vor | 0

I am using machine learning classfier to predict my test accuracy. The classfier uses hold out to take data in random. How to I get the train accuracy using the code?
Hi Atik, To obtain the training accuracy, first, you need to extract the training data indices using the "training(cv)" MATLAB ...

3 Monate vor | 0

How to perform testing on a model which is trained using classification learner app.
Hi Shweta, You can refer to the following documentation link to check performance of a calassifier using Test set in the "Class...

3 Monate vor | 0

How to test model developed using the Regression Learner App
Hi Samuel, I understand that you are encountering poor accuracy with the test dataset on your prediction with GPR model. You ca...

3 Monate vor | 0

How to calculate mse value on nntool GUI
Hi Ashihadina, The figure's axis labels indicate that it is a plot of Mean Squared Error (MSE) versus the number of epochs. Th...

3 Monate vor | 0

How NARNET is differ from NARXNET in respect of prediction advantages
Hi, NARNET predicts future values of a time series using only its past values. It's simple and works well if the series is not ...

3 Monate vor | 0

NAR multistep prediction
Hi Prodromos, You can refer to the "Multistep Neural Network Prediction" documentation link mentioned below: https://www.math...

3 Monate vor | 0

What is the usage of "FeedbackDelays" in NARNET?
Hi Dwaipayan, In MATLAB's NARNET (Nonlinear Autoregressive Network), the "feedbackDelays" parameter specifies the time steps t...

3 Monate vor | 0

how to calculate mape
Hi, MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) is calculated using the formula: where () are the actual values, and ( ) are the ...

3 Monate vor | 0

Use Neural Network app to predict and calculate the MAPE error
Hi Huy, You can use the "Neural Network Fitting" application, which is well-suited for your tasks. The application allows you t...

3 Monate vor | 0

Crash Decoding : Disabled - No sandbox or build area path
Hi Guanghui, There exists a Bug Report by MathWorks which corresponds to the same issue.

3 Monate vor | 1

set a blank window in GUI
To reset a GUI in MATLAB and clear all previous values from edit texts, static texts, popup menus, listboxes, and other componen...

3 Monate vor | 0

how to plot decision boundary by ELM
Hi Uma, You can take a look at the following mathworks example to plot decision boundary:

3 Monate vor | 0

Which one is best image segmentation algorithm now a days?
For state-of-the-art image segmentation, consider these top algorithms: U-Net: Widely used for medical imaging with an encoder-...

3 Monate vor | 0

Undistort image and camera calibration app
The artifacts you're observing in the undistorted images are likely due to the correction of significant lens distortion, inaccu...

3 Monate vor | 0

Error with adding Gaussian Noise
It seems like the error message you provided indicates that there is an issue with a variable or function named signal. This kin...

3 Monate vor | 0

Cross validation and set epoches in svm
Hi Sarath, You can use the in-built MATLAB function 'crossval' for cross-validation to assess how well a model will generalize ...

3 Monate vor | 0

training network plot accuracy intead of rmse
To plot accuracy instead of RMSE in the training progress graph when using trainNetwork with LSTM for a classification task, you...

3 Monate vor | 0

Import voxceleb dataset into matlab
Hi Renisha, You can use the following functions from matlab to import voxceleb dataset. audioread:

3 Monate vor | 0

Problem with the cluster/linkage function
Hi, To achieve your goal of clustering nodes based on price differences while considering the adjacency matrix, you'll need to ...

3 Monate vor | 0

Categories for Evolutionary algorithms
Hi Vahid, Yes, algorithms like Firefly and Bee algorithms can be categorized under the broader umbrella of "Evolutionary Algori...

4 Monate vor | 0

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