
Ben Barrowes

Barrowes Consulting / Dartmouth College / US Army CRREL

Last seen: 6 Tage vor Aktiv seit 2005

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Ben Barrowes received the Ph.D. degree in 2004 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. He was named top high school math student in the state of Utah (1991), was awarded an NSF graduate fellowship (1999), was a Director's funded Postdoc at Los Alamos National Laboratory (2004), and was named Innovator of the Year for the Army Corps of Engineers (2019). Currently, he is a physicist with the US Army ERDC Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory and is the author or coauthor of over 150 scientific publications. His research interests center on electromagnetic wave theory and modeling with applications including electromagnetic induction methods for detecting and classifying subsurface UneXploded Ordnance (UXO), Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), novel fusion energy generation, and the intersection between modern technology and political science.

Programming Languages:
Python, R, MATLAB, Fortran
Spoken Languages:


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Convert Fortran to MATLAB
Geopaul, I used my f2matlab on your code to convert the fortran to matlab code. There are a few helper functions (like writeFmt...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0


Multiple Precision Toolbox for MATLAB
This toolbox defines a new mp class allowing multiple precision objects in MATLAB.

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 20 Downloads |

How to convert a big fortran IV code to matlab ?
Your link goes to a PDF scan of the code. Do you have this code in a proper Fortran text file? Have you been able to compile it?...

fast 3 Jahre vor | 0

How to convert fortran code to matlab?
You should try my file exchange program, f2matlab. But you would have to convert it fortran90 style first, including refactoring...

fast 3 Jahre vor | 1


Converts basic fortran90 source code to MATLAB source code.

fast 4 Jahre vor | 17 Downloads |

How to convert from FORTRAN TO MATLAB
My f2matlab can do this kind of conversion. Please download from the file exchange and give it a try. You will have to split the...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Converting working Fortran code to MATLAB
Here is your fortran code cleaned up and compilable: program loops integer, parameter :: kr = 8 real x(0:100), h(0:100), dp...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1

| akzeptiert

how to convert to matlab from fortran
OCR and some hand editing produced this fortran code which I compiled and ran: program flow C RE GIONAL FLOW SYST&M ...

etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0

Fortran to Matlab Translation with a dynamic fertility model
You could try f2matlab here on the file exchange. You could also contact me at my author page if you still need help. But you...

etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0

how can I convert fortran and C++ to matlab
If you have more fortran code to convert to matlab code in the future, try f2matlab. F2matlab expects fortran code to be in f90 ...

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0

fortran convert to Matlab
If the free version of f2matlab cannot convert your code, please mail me. I should be able to help. I have additional tools to c...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 1

| akzeptiert


Places text as a title, xlabel, or ylabel on a group of subplots.

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 11 Downloads |


Converting Fortran to MATLAB
Have you tried the free spag (linux version) from Polyhedron software to clean up (refactor) some of these goto's for you? http...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1


Converts all numeric variables in the workspace, or optionally all doubles only, to single precision

fast 12 Jahre vor | 1 Download |

How to increase the precision of Matlab (compared to Fortran) ???
What do you mean when you say "compare"? "format long" in matlab should give many digits of display. In any case, like Strider s...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 2

Can someone please convert this fortran program(.f90) to matlab (.m) for me. I would really appreciate
Putting it through f2matlab, this gets you most of the way there: function basil(varargin) clear all; %clear functions;...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

Fortran to matlab conversion
Jessica, This is Ben Barrowes. I see you are making progress converting this. This bracket syntax is meant to be a variabl...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1


Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB--Version 2.0
A symbolic toolbox for MATLAB based on Mathematica.

mehr als 14 Jahre vor | 1185 Downloads |


print a gif in matlab
printgif prints gif files in matlab

mehr als 14 Jahre vor | 1 Download |


Converts octave style m-files to matlab style m-files

mehr als 15 Jahre vor | 5 Downloads |


The slatec library converted into matlab functions.

fast 16 Jahre vor | 5 Downloads |


case insensitive load
Duplicates Matlab load function except ignores case on the filename. Finds first match in path.

fast 16 Jahre vor | 1 Download |


Generalized Hypergeometric Function
Calculates the Generalized Hypergeometric Function at the desired accuracy.

mehr als 16 Jahre vor | 8 Downloads |


Replicates the functionality of maxloc in fortran.

fast 17 Jahre vor | 1 Download |


Puts string onto the current axes with location similar to legend locations.

mehr als 17 Jahre vor | 1 Download |



Applied relational operators to such as == or < to character arrays or cell arrays of strings accord

mehr als 17 Jahre vor | 1 Download |


Knuth Heapsort
Matlab implementation of Knuth's heapsort.

mehr als 17 Jahre vor | 5 Downloads |


Fourier cosine and sine transforms using lagged convolutions in double-precision (dlagf0 and dlagf1)

mehr als 18 Jahre vor | 1 Download |


matlab2fmex.m is a small translator which aims to convert numerical M-files to Fortran90 mex.

etwa 19 Jahre vor | 1 Download |



Similar to isletter for numbers.

mehr als 19 Jahre vor | 1 Download |

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