Batch Job

Toolbox to spread batch work over multiple MATLAB instances, even on other PCs
Aktualisiert 5. Jan 2023

This toolbox consists of several functions for spreading work over multiple MATLAB instances.
If you have a for loop which can be written something like:
for a = 1:size(input, 2)
output(:,a) = func(input(:,a), global_data);

then the functions in this toolbox can be used to split the for loop iterations across multiple MATLAB instances, including across multiple computing nodes/computers. This is a replacement for parfor in this use case, if you don't have the Parallel Computing Toolbox.

For the toolbox to work, its root directory needs to be on your MATLAB path at startup.

See the README at:
for more information.

These functions are in beta testing. If you have any bug reports or fixes, please raise a github issue.

Zitieren als

Oliver Woodford (2025). Batch Job (, GitHub. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2013a
Kompatibel mit allen Versionen
Windows macOS Linux
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Inspiriert von: Multicore - Parallel processing on multiple cores

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