
Version (10,2 KB) von Jan
Fast test for out of range elements, C-mex
Aktualisiert 1. Nov 2011

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Check if any element of an array exceeds an upper or lower limit

Equivalent Matlab expression:
any(Array(:) < Lower) || any(Array(:) > Upper)
This Mex is 50% to 80% faster in the worst case (see screenshot):
1. It does not create temporary arrays.
2. It returns fast after the first exceeding element without processing the rest.
3. Infinite values can be ignored and the absolute values of the elements can be computed on the fly whithout the need of temporary arrays.

Flag = anyExceed(Array, Lower, Upper, Options...)
Array: Array of any size. Accepted classes: DOUBLE, SINGLE, (U)INT8/16/32/64, CHAR.
Lower, Upper: Scalar limits.
Options: Optional strings to control the comparison. The options can be combined:
'finite': +-Inf values in [Array] are ignored.
'absolute': Compare absolute values.
'exclude': Exclusive limits:
Flag = any(Array(:) <= Lower) || any(Array(:) >= Upper)

Flag: TRUE if any element exceeds the limits, FALSE otherwise.

anyExceed(rand(1000), 0, 1) % FALSE
anyExceed(0:0.1:1, 0, 1, 'exclude') % TRUE
anyExceed([1, Inf, 2], 0, 2, 'finite') % FALSE
anyExceed(-10:10, 0, 10, 'abs') % FALSE
anyExceed(-10:10, -1, 10, 'abs', 'ex') % TRUE

Windows: mex -O anyExceed.c
Linux: mex -O CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -std=C99" anyExceed.c
Precompiled Mex:
See anyExceed.c for more information.
Run uTest_anyExceed for a selftest.

Tested: Matlab 6.5, 2008a/b, 2009a, 2001b, 32/64 bit, WinXP, Win 7
LCC, BCC, OWC, MSVC 2008 and 2010
Assumed compatibility: Linux, OS-X

Comments and suggestions by email or as comments are appreciated.

Zitieren als

Jan (2024). anyExceed (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2009a
Kompatibel mit allen Versionen
Windows macOS Linux
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Inspiriert: csearch

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Version Veröffentlicht Versionshinweise

Tested under 2011b, 64bit.