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18554 Stimmen
I need to model temperature rise of a resistor due to joule heating with a variable supply or a variable resistor. Is there a simulink component that can be used for this or it has to be implemented with the physical equations fed into block diagrams?
Can someone help give an idea of how this can be modeled?
Join us on a upcoming live to learn about how the deep learning frameworks in MATLAB and Simulink can be used with TensorFlow and PyTorch to provide enhanced capabilities for building and training your Machine Learning model.
Watch this preview to learn more.
I'm trying to simulate EV drive system using FEM PMSM and IGBT block of simscape electrical.
The simulation results (magnitude of the current in time domain) is quite similar with the experimental results.
But in frequency domain analysis using FFT (fast fourier transform), amplitude of current harmonics(specially 5, 7 th of fundamental frequency) are way to different.
Is there any way that I could increase my simulation accuracy?
I am trying to simulate a single phase H-bridge inverter connected to a load in Simulink using Simscape Electrical (blue wire). The simulation does not work. I tested the same circuit (with black wire). And everything works fine. I looked hard, I can't see any reason. Does anyone know why or have any examples?
You can find the simulation files in the attachment.
My goal with this is to start with a basic inverter scheme before testing multilevel converters. I had started with that but I had problems from the beginning...
Thanks in advance

hello can some body help me regarding designing a project in simulink to estimate the state of health of a battery ?... including kalman filter .... at least i need the battery cell equivalent circuit in simulink and the idea of the estimation method

many thanks

MATLAB (& Mathworks toolboxes) only
Simulink only
Both MATLAB & Simulink
MATLAB & third party toolboxes
Simulink & third party toolboxes
Both ML & SL & 3rd party toolboxes
1043 Stimmen
Yes, if they have what I want.
No, probably not.
1437 Stimmen
Backpack, bag, satchel
Logo sticker
Mouse pad
Other (tool, toy, Rubik's, etc.)
1592 Stimmen
Join us live on May 26 at 11am for another Livestream Event on YouTube.
We welcome Brian Buechel and Nikola Trica as this week's guests. They will analyze experimental data to quantify the ride quality of a car suspension in MATLAB. They'll work with signals recorded from a car suspension, analyze the data, and visualize the results. At the end, we'll have a shareable report containing code and formatted text that clearly communicates our findings.
Watch the event live or the recording on YouTube. We welcome your questions during the event and let us know what other topics that you are interested in seeing.
More advertising or sympos. exhibit
More media mentions (news segments)
Adjust pricing
Sponsor research & publications
Boost university involvement
Something else (list in comments)
1076 Stimmen
I am trying to simulate a 3 phase induction motor on Simulink by using its dynamic model. This is the information in its datasheet:
It also has 4 poles and J = 0.0117 kgm², star connection. After calculate parameters, I get these values:
Lm = 0.176 H; Rr=Rs = 0.613Ω; Llr=Lls = 0.00669 H.
Also in the datasheet, they said that the output torque = 705 Nm at speed 35 rpm, but the model cannot reach that value. The simulation motor run backward if applied torque greater than 70 Nm ( at about 1200 rpm). But in reality, this motor can withstand 705 Nm, I have seen it run.
Can someone help me with this problem? Thank you
I have two DGs and I want a secondary control between these two DGs using mpc toolbox. I don't know where I am going wrong with it. it is not working. when I am trying to change the load the frequency is still the same. Can anyone please help?
Hullo Everyone. I have published a video on the MathWorks YouTube channel that explains active, reactive and apparent power. It is less than 9 minutes and so can be viewed over a coffee break. Here's the link
When discussing Q&As in MATLAB Answers, we oftentimes need to reference a function in MATLAB Documentation. The process is quite tedious. You need to search the function in Documentation and copy & paste it into Answers. Now, you can simply use the ‘@doc:’ in Answers’ editor to easily reference a function in Documentation.
How does it work?
1) Simply type ‘@’ and you will see the option to add a Doc link. You can also directly type ‘@doc:’.
2) Start typing the function name. You will see a list of choices on the menu.
3)Select the function and a hyperlink to that function's doc page will be automatically inserted.
Give it a try and we hope you like it! Leave a comment if you have any questions or suggestions.
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I would probably attend.
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I would not be interested.
1271 Stimmen
I am using matlab fuction block to calculate duty ratio for a MOSFET . How do I incorporate time delay in the calculated duty cycle. Duty cycle of S3 should be delayed by d1 in the picture.Kindly help
Chen Lin
Chen Lin
Letzte Aktivitätam 28 Apr. 2022

Today, I'm spotlighting Bruno Luong, our newest MVP. Next, let's 'talk about Bruno'!
When we look at Bruno's stats chart below, we'll notice Bruno achieved this major milestone just in 3 years! This is amazing, right? Actually, we are still underestimating Bruno's contribution to the larger MATLAB/Simulink user community by just looking at his reputation points.
Before he started his active contribution to Answers in 2019, Bruno had been a top contributor to the newsgroup for MATLAB & Simulink products – comp.soft-sys-matlab. Sounds a bit old school? Leave a comment if you have participated or are still participating in the newsgroup. I remember back in 2016 when I first chatted with Bruno, he already had about 500 posts in the newsgroup!
Besides helping users with their questions, Bruno has also been contributing high-quality files to File Exchange. Check out the two prestigious badges below. They are showing the highest recognition from both the MathWorks team and millions of community users.
Congratulations, Bruno. We really appreciate your outstanding and long-time contributions to the MATLAB/Simulink user community!

I have a datasheet of an induction motor (as figure below). I want to simulate it on matlab/simulink, but I don't know it's parameters (Lls, Llr, Lm, Rr, Rs).

I tried to search about open circuit test and blocked rotor test to determine these parameters, but some of information doesn't appear on datasheet and I don't have the real motor to test on it (datasheet is only think I have).

Could someone help me with this?

20 minutes makes a difference

I struggled to learn MATLAB at first. A colleague at my university gave me about 20 minutes of his time to show me some basic features, how to reference the documentation, and how to debug code. That was enough for me to start using MATLAB independently. After a few semesters of developing analyses and visualizations, I started answering questions in the forum when I had time. I became addicted to volunteering and learning from the breadth of analytical problems the forum exposed me to.

Have you ever solved a problem using a MathWorks product?

If your answer is YES, you may be the right person to help someone looking for guidance to solve a similar problem. Some answers in the MATLAB Central community forum maintain 1000s of views per month and some files on the File Exchange have 1000s of downloads. Volunteering a moment of your time to answer a question or to share content to the File Exchange may benefit countless individuals in the near and distant future and you will likely learn a lot by contributing too!

  • 3616 questions were asked last month in the forum and in that time, 747 volunteers answered at least one question!
  • 62% of those volunteers were first-time contributors!
  • 335 volunteer contributors shared content in the File Exchange last month!
  • 1: the number of contributions it takes to make a difference.

This week is National Volunteer Week in the USA (April 17-23). Challenge yourself and your colleagues by committing to help a stranger break barriers in their path to learning MATLAB.

How to volunteer and contribute to the MATLAB Central Community

Here are two easy ways to accept the volunteer challenge.

Contribute to the MATLAB Answers Forum

  1. Go to the MATLAB Answers repository. This page shows all unanswered questions starting with the most recent question. Use the filters on the left to see answered questions or questions belonging to a specific category. Alternatively, search for questions using keywords in the search field or visit the landing page.
  2. Open a few questions that interest you based on the question titles and tags.
  3. Decide how you'd like to contribute. Sometimes a question needs refinement or requires a bit of work to address. Decide whether to leave a comment that guides the user in the right direction, answer the question, or skip to the next question. The decision tree below is how some experienced contributors approach these decisions.

Pro tips

  • Newer questions have more traffic and are often answered within an hour or minutes.
  • Multiple answers often add valuable alternative perspectives and solutions.
  • Sometimes answers aren't accepted or the asker disappears. Be not discouraged. Your answer holds much value.

Contribute to the File Exchange

  1. Choose a function, script, demo, or toolbox you created that may be helpful to the community.
  2. Go to the MathWorks File Exchange. Search for submissions that are similar to your idea and decide whether your idea adds value.
  3. Prepare your code for open-source sharing. The best submissions include brief documentation that explains the purpose of the code, inputs, expected outputs and limitations.
  4. Use the "Publish your code" button from the link above. This will guide you through the submission process.

Make a difference

No matter what level you are at as a MATLAB developer, you have skills that others around you could benefit from learning. Take the challenge and become a giant.

Let us know about your experience with MATLAB Central volunteers or your experience becoming a MATLAB Central volunteer in the comments below!

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