Simulink: rectangular pulse filter with finite rise time?

18 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Cathy am 16 Jun. 2011
Is there a way to create a rectangular pulse with finite rise time in Simulink? I found the "Ideal Rectangular Pulse Filter" in the Communications Blockset. But that one gives inifite rise time, basically the same as if doing a pure rate transition.
Many thanks!!!

Akzeptierte Antwort

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva am 17 Jun. 2011
I found how to generate square waves with slew rate, do this:
Signal Generator -> Rate Limiter

Weitere Antworten (5)

Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege am 17 Jun. 2011
Or filter the ideal pulse generated from say the Pulse Generator block with a first order low-pass filter using the Transfer Fcn or Discrete Transfer Fcn block.
  3 Kommentare
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege am 17 Jun. 2011
Good point. Maybe worth raising an enhancement request?
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva am 17 Jun. 2011
I submited this request: There's no easy way to generate square waves with specific rise time (Slew rate), the signal generators should have another parameter for the rise time (and also fall time) because that would be similar to real world square waves.

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Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva am 17 Jun. 2011
Use the Signal builder from simulink
_ _ _ _
_| |_| |_ -> _/ \_/ \_
  3 Kommentare
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva am 17 Jun. 2011
The question is interesting because simulink apparently lacks the parameter for the Slew Rate.
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang am 17 Jun. 2011
If it is just the need to generate a pulse with slew rate, I guess the "Repeating Sequence" block can do the job.

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Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang am 17 Jun. 2011
I thought Cathy was asking for a filter, not a source block to generate square pulse or pulse with slew rate. Check out this Ideal Rectangular Pulse Filter. It talks about upsampling which I have no knowledge. Is there a similar filter that represents non-square pulse sampling that has different filtering effect?

Cathy am 17 Jun. 2011
thank you all! is there a way to create a customized filter for this purpose? i was able to get a workaround in Matlab:
y = rcosflt(x, Fd, Fs,'filter', pulse_slewrate);
is there a similar way to do this in Simulink? thanks!!

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang am 17 Jun. 2011


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