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How to generate new APP components while a MATLAB APP is running?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
jiahao tian
jiahao tian am 14 Aug. 2021
Bearbeitet: Adam Danz am 14 Aug. 2021
I want to design a MATLAB APP to plot polygonal simply/multiply connected domain whose boundary vertices can be given by users. Here is an example of polygonal multiply connected domain, i.e. the gray area.
However, I can't find an existing APP component that can enable users to add boundaries and their vertices dynamically while the APP is running,
How can I realize this function in my APP?
  2 Kommentare
Rik am 14 Aug. 2021
You need to implement a function that creates a new pair of text boxes and moves the plus button. I'm not aware of anything that already does what you want, but creating new components should not be hard. What have you tried so far?
jiahao tian
jiahao tian am 14 Aug. 2021
Oh, thank you very much! It's indeed a simple question, but I didn't know it in the past.

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