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Anybody help me by providing MatLab code for the three-dimensional histograms.

10 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I have three-dimensional data such as X=(100*1) , Y=(100*1) , Z=(100*1). I want to display three dimensional histograms for the (100*3).
Please help me.
  4 Kommentare
sharmin sathi
sharmin sathi am 5 Aug. 2021
Hello KSSV,
hist3 is not for three dimensional histograms. It takes 2D data and represent in 3D mode.
sharmin sathi
sharmin sathi am 13 Dez. 2021
Bearbeitet: sharmin sathi am 14 Dez. 2021
Dear Walter Roberson sir,
I have N samples in four categories. I have attached data file for your consideration.
could you draw 4-D histogram and send code?
thanks in advance.

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Antworten (4)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 15 Dez. 2021
Sorry, No, I do not know how to draw 4 dimensional histograms.
You can quantize the X, Y, and Z coordinates, and you can count the number of entries per voxel, and you could do that independent for each of the categories. You could end up with a 3D array of counts for each of the 4 categorize. But in order to draw a histogram, you need an extra dimension. A histogram of 1D data requires two spatial dimensions to draw (X = category, Y = count). A histogram of 2D data requries three spatial dimensions to draw (X = first category, Y = second category, Z = count). A histogram of 3D data would require four spatial dimensions to draw (X, Y, Z, count).
Unfortunately, hardware that is able to draw in 4 spatial dimensions is extremely rare. So rare that I have never heard of any. The limit I have ever heard of was equipment that could, to a limited extent, work in 3 spatial dimensions and animate over time (but it was not able to handle holes.)
If you have three spatial dimensions and a value at each location, then there are some things you can do with representing different values by different colors and using volume rendering with some transparency. These are not histograms, though.
  2 Kommentare
sharmin sathi
sharmin sathi am 17 Dez. 2021
Bearbeitet: sharmin sathi am 17 Dez. 2021
Dear Walter Roberson sir,
thank you for your comments.
Actually i have 3-dimensional data X, Y , Z and four groups label (Four label) of this data. I have attached data file for your consideration.
How can i draw 3D histogram for multi-groups of data where X = first category, Y = second category, Z = third category.
Please could draw 3D histogram by following my data?
thanks in advance
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 17 Dez. 2021
You cannot draw a histogram of 3D data unless you have an output device which is able to operate in 4 spatial dimensions (something not known to exist), or else you allow one of the spatial dimensions to be represented by time.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 15 Dez. 2021
With the poster's "X=(100*1) , Y=(100*1) , Z=(100*1)" you can get a 3-D histogram. Or you can get 3 1-D histograms. Or you can get a 3-D histogram like this:
h3 = zeros(length(X), length(Y), length(Y));
for k = 1 : length(X)
% Increment count by 1.
h3(X(k), Y(k), Z(k)) = h3(X(k), Y(k), Z(k)) + 1;
assuming the values of X, Y, and Z were already bin numbers. Otherwise you'd have to convert them to bin numbers using rescale() and round().
What you want to do really depends on what you want. What are you going to do with this/these histograms?
  6 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 17 Dez. 2021
You have a 10 x 10 x 10 array of values. That is a cube of values.
You want to represent each value by a height. That is inherent in histogram: a histogram represents different counts by different heights.
So you have a cube of values, and at each location in the cube, you want a height.
Those heights would have to point in a 4th direction. However, no-one knows how to extend into a 4th spatial dimension. Scientists are not even sure if a 4th spatial dimension exists (but some parts of physics are a lot easier to explain if at least one more spatial dimension exists.)
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 17 Dez. 2021
Prepare to have your mind blown:
@sharmin sathi, like we've said before you can visualize a 4-D histogram by changing the size and/or color of the markers using scatter3.

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sharmin sathi
sharmin sathi am 20 Dez. 2021
Thank you all for nice cooperation
  2 Kommentare
sharmin sathi
sharmin sathi am 28 Dez. 2021
Bearbeitet: Walter Roberson am 28 Dez. 2021
I have attached two files one is input file and other is out file.
Pls could you tell me this graph is 4D or 3D graph. I have drawn this bar graph by using bar3 command.
fileName = 'data_with_group.csv';
data = readmatrix(fileName)
group = cell2mat(label);
uniqueGroups = unique(group);
for k = 1:length(uniqueGroups)
ind = group==uniqueGroups(k);
if k==1
elseif k==2
elseif k==3
elseif k==4
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 28 Dez. 2021
You cannot pass x, y, z values to bar3(). Your z values are being interpreted as bar width and your x values are being intepreted as y and your y values are being interpreted as z.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 28 Dez. 2021
I am having trouble getting the coloring working, but this is what I have so far.
This code voxelizes the data (which is something histograms have to do). It draws in each occupied voxel.
For each voxel, it figures out which group has the greatest number of points within the voxel. It tries to color the voxel according to that label. The calculation of which label to use appears to be correct for the voxels, but I am having difficulty in getting patch to display anything other than black faces.
filename = '';
labelcolors = [
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0]; %must be rgb
data = readmatrix(filename);
x = data(:, 1);
y = data(:, 2);
z = data(:, 3);
label = data(:,4);
[groups, ID] = findgroups(label);
ngroups = length(ID);
if ngroups > size(labelcolors,1)
error('too many groups, provide more labelcolors');
Nx = 20; Ny = 20; Nz = 20;
xvox = (max(x)-min(x))/(Nx-1);
yvox = (max(y)-min(y))/(Ny-1);
zvox = (max(z)-min(z))/(Nz-1);
xidx = floor(x/xvox); xbin = xidx - min(xidx) + 1;
yidx = floor(y/yvox); ybin = yidx - min(yidx) + 1;
zidx = floor(z/zvox); zbin = zidx - min(zidx) + 1;
xq = xidx * xvox; yq = yidx * yvox; zq = zidx * zvox;
counts = accumarray([ybin(:), xbin(:), zbin(:)], 1, [Ny Nx Nz]);
occupied = counts > 0;
oind = find(occupied);
gcounts = cell(ngroups, 1);
for K = 1 : ngroups
mask = groups == K;
gcounts{K} = accumarray([ybin(mask), xbin(mask), zbin(mask)], 1, [Ny Nx Nz]);
gcounts4 = cat(4, gcounts{:});
[~, biggestgroupidx] = max(gcounts4, [], 4);
colidx = biggestgroupidx(occupied);
[ox, oy, oz] = ind2sub(size(occupied), oind);
oxq = (ox + min(xidx) - 1) * xvox;
oyq = (oy + min(yidx) - 1) * yvox;
ozq = (oz + min(zidx) - 1) * zvox;
noq = length(oxq);
rF = [1 2 3 4 1; 8 7 6 5 8; 1 4 6 7 1; 2 8 5 3 2; 1 7 8 2 1; 3 5 6 4 3]; %in closed form
rV = [0 0 0; 1 0 0; 1 0 1; 0 0 1; 1 1 1; 0 1 1; 0 1 0; 1 1 0] .* [xvox, yvox, zvox];
%noq = 2;
poxq = oxq(1:noq); poyq = oyq(1:noq); pozq = ozq(1:noq);
allF = repmat(rF(:,1:end-1), noq, 1) + 8*repelem((0:noq-1).', size(rF,1), 1);
allV = repelem([poxq, poyq, pozq], size(rV,1), 1) + repmat(rV, noq, 1);
[mappedV, ~, Vidx] = unique(allV, 'rows');
mappedF = Vidx(allF);
cdata = labelcolors(colidx,:);
p = patch('Faces', mappedF, 'Vertices', mappedV, 'FaceVertexCData', cdata, ...
'LineWidth', 0.1, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceAlpha', 0.1);
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');
  2 Kommentare
sharmin sathi
sharmin sathi am 29 Dez. 2021
Dear Walter Roberson sir,
Thank you so much for your answer.
is it possible to show the color of each Voxel by groupwise?.
I have attached an output image of coloring like this.
please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Franz-Josef Siegemund
Franz-Josef Siegemund am 3 Mär. 2023
I fixed the color issue by doing the following which repeats the elemts for each of the 6 faces of a cube.
cdata = labelcolors(colidx,:);
cdata = repelem(cdata,6,1);

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