As per my understanding of your query, you are trying to implement iris encoding after generating phase data by applying 2D Gabor Filter after segmenting the iris from the image. You can follow the steps listed below to implement iris encoding and generate an iris template from the phase data.
To generate the iris template from the phase data, you need to apply 2-bit phase quantization. This process involves assigning a 2-bit value to each resultant phasor by identifying which quadrant of the complex plane the phasor lies in. You can add the following code snippet to your code to perform 2-bit quantization on the phase data.
quantized_phase = zeros(size(phase));
quantized_phase(phase >= 0 & phase < pi/2) = 3;
quantized_phase(phase >= pi/2 & phase < pi) = 1;
quantized_phase(phase >= -pi & phase < -pi/2) = 0;
quantized_phase(phase >= -pi/2 & phase < 0) = 2;
binary_code = int2bit(quantized_phase,2,false);
iris_code = binary_code(:)';
For further understanding, refer to the links to the MATLAB documentation given below:
- “imgaborfilt” function-
- “int2bit” function –
I hope you find the above explanation and suggestions useful!