Group overlay bar chars using cell with three 10x5 double arrays

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
I am trying to generate a bar chart using one cell with 3(10*5) random elements as it is illustrated in the ZIMBI.png image
My code is like this:
for i = 1:3
cell_part = abs (randn(10,5))
bar ( cell_part(1,:))
hold on
% figure;
bar ( cell_part(2,:))
hold on
% figure;
bar ( cell_part(3,:))
hold on
bar ( cell_part(4,:))
hold on
bar ( cell_part(5,:))
cell_total{i}(:,:) = cell_part;
bar(cell_total{1}(:,:)', 'group' )
hold on
bar(cell_total{3}(:,:)', 'group' )
hold on
bar(cell_total{2}(:,:)', 'group' )
hold on
% Unfortunatelly, this code generates the image Cakld.png :
How can I associate the cell position with the bar chart ?
  3 Kommentare
aryan ramesh
aryan ramesh am 23 Jul. 2021
Hi, Scott. Tks for replying to me. Tks for your advice related to the for a loop. I saw this stacked option, but I want overlapped data between the columns of my cell_part(10, 5). It seems that the stacket option put the data over the previous one
I rewrote my code.
for i = 1:3
cell_part = abs (randn(10,5))
cell_total{i}(:,:) = cell_part;
bar(cell_total{1}(:,:)', 'group' )
hold on
bar(cell_total{3}(:,:)', 'group' )
hold on
bar(cell_total{2}(:,:)', 'group' )
hold on
but, still no luck
Scott MacKenzie
Scott MacKenzie am 23 Jul. 2021
Bearbeitet: Scott MacKenzie am 23 Jul. 2021
Still no luck with what? Please try to clarify what you are trying to do. Is the key issue just adding tick labels as in the example chart you posted? If so, just following instructions in @Yazan's answer.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Yazan am 23 Jul. 2021
Bearbeitet: Yazan am 23 Jul. 2021
A very simple solution is to plot the data directly but after introducing matrices of zeros so that the bars look like they are grouped. See the example below.
clear, clc
close all
% toy data of size 10-by-5
data1 = randi(5, [10 5]);
data2 = randi(5, [10 5]);
data3 = randi(5, [10 5]);
% insert zero matrices
data = [data1; zeros(5, 5); data2; zeros(5, 5); data3];
% plot stacked bars normally
bar(data, 'stacked');
ax = gca;
ax.XTick = [5 20 35];
ax.XTickLabel = {'Data1', 'Data2', 'Data3'};
  8 Kommentare
aryan ramesh
aryan ramesh am 23 Jul. 2021
Bearbeitet: aryan ramesh am 23 Jul. 2021
Perfect. Tks :)
Yazan am 23 Jul. 2021
You're welcome, but don't forget to accept the answer.

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