color coding data points
14 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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I have a large matrix (Let's say 100*100). I want to plot the data and color each data point with certain color depending on its value
Please suggest a method to do this
1 Kommentar
Mathieu NOE
am 1 Mai 2021
see below and attachement
x = linspace(0,40*pi,400);
y = 16+16*sin(x);
h = plot(x,y); % capture the line handle when you plot it
caxis([1 32]);
cd = colormap(jet(32)); % take your pick (doc colormap)
cd = interp1(linspace(min(y),max(y),length(cd)),cd,y); % map color to y values
cd = uint8(cd'*255); % need a 4xN uint8 array
cd(4,:) = 255; % last column is transparency
Antworten (1)
Adam Danz
am 1 Mai 2021
Bearbeitet: Adam Danz
am 1 Mai 2021
> I want to plot the data and color each data point with certain color depending on its value
See the documentation and if you have any trouble implementing your figures based on the examples in the documentation, show us what you've got and describe where you're stuck.
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