finding x and y coordinates of the image and spline fit

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Natalja am 25 Jun. 2013
I have binary image 'sceleton.tif' (black line and white background) How can I find x and y coordinates for pixels to make spline fit of the image?

Antworten (3)

Nitin am 26 Jun. 2013
Bearbeitet: Nitin am 26 Jun. 2013
if your boundary is black on the binary image, you can try the following:
[a,b]= find(Im==0);

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 26 Jun. 2013
What do you mean by spline fit? Spline fit of what? The skeleton is continuous so there's nothing to interpolate, unless for some reason you want sub pixel resolution but that wouldn't make sense since the skeletonization was done with pixel resolution.
  1 Kommentar
Natalja am 26 Jun. 2013
You are right I have continuous pixel line and in my case I would like to have homogenous line (no pixel to pixel jumps) I am not sure if reducing pixel size will help.

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Leah am 26 Jun. 2013
Bearbeitet: Leah am 26 Jun. 2013
You have to define the coordinate system then decide which points you want to use for interpolation. Why are you after an equation as opposed to just the (x,y) coordinates?
  1 Kommentar
Natalja am 26 Jun. 2013
Yes, I am after (x,y) coordinates. My goal at the end is to divide the skeleton line with many short perpendicular lines. It is a big challenge for me, cause I have never worked on MatLab before.

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