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error in uigetfile "MultiSelect"

11 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Elysi Cochin
Elysi Cochin am 9 Apr. 2013
based on the output i want i select images from a folder.... sometimes i want to select one image sometimes more than one image.... so i used 'MultiSelect' option in uigetfile...... but when i use 'MultiSelect' option in uigetfile and select only one image i'm getting error.... how can i use this syntax for selecting both single image and multiple image..... please can someone help me.... please do reply....

Akzeptierte Antwort

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 9 Apr. 2013
Bearbeitet: Image Analyst am 9 Apr. 2013
selectedFiles = uigetfile('*.PNG', 'Multiselect', 'on')

Weitere Antworten (3)

Jan am 9 Apr. 2013
Bearbeitet: Jan am 9 Apr. 2013
You mentioned, that there is an error, but neither showed the code nor the error message. Therefore I guess, that you forgot to care about the type of the replied filename, which is a cell string, not a string. According to the doc text of uigetfile:
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.m', 'Select a MATLAB code file', ...
'MultiSelect', 'on');
if isequal(filename, 0)
disp('User selected Cancel')
for k = 1:length(filename)
disp(fullfile(pathname, filename{k}))
If this does not help, and for future questions also, please post the code and the error message. The less we have to guess, the easier is the creation of a helpful answer.
[EDITED] I cannot test it currently, but does uigetfile('Multiselect', 'on') reply a string instead of a cell string, if only one file has been selected? If so an additional line is needed:
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.m', 'Select a MATLAB code file', ...
'MultiSelect', 'on');
if isequal(filename, 0)
disp('User selected Cancel')
filename = cellstr(filename); % Care for the correct type
for k = 1:length(filename)
disp(fullfile(pathname, filename{k}))
  6 Kommentare
Jan am 9 Apr. 2013
What is "NegFileNames"? Without knowing, how it is created, I cannot guess, why it has 6 or 7 elements.
Did Image Analyst's answer solve your problem already? If not, why did you accept it?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 9 Apr. 2013
Like Jan said, knowing the error would have been nice since we'd know if the problem was in your calling uigetfile(), or if it was how you were processing the filename(s) afterwards. Please review this:

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Ozan Oguz
Ozan Oguz am 12 Jun. 2013
I have a question here (similar but there is an obvious difference):
I am using uigetfile / multiselect option. There are 3 possibilities:
1) Cancel or exit (output 0) 2) Select only one file (output as string) 3) Select multiple files (cell as array of strings)
As you will notice, they all give outputs in different formats.
I am putting names of selected files into a PopupList. If you decide to add a new file to the list, you again click a button of uigetfile. Get old list, add to the new selection...
Should I use several if cases and change formats of these outputs several times as needed? Or are there any other practical way.
  2 Kommentare
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 12 Jun. 2013
Yes, use an if to take different actions depending on whether 0, 1, or multiple filenames are returned.
Jan am 13 Jun. 2013
@Ozan Oguz: Please do not highjack a foreign question, but open a new thread instead. Note that you cannot accept an answer here, when you are not the author of the original question.

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Ozan Oguz
Ozan Oguz am 13 Jun. 2013
People, I need this code to work correctly, but I couldn't manage it. Please help me! Don't say "read the relevant help files" etc.
old_list = get(interface.List,'String');
[selected_files,directory] = uigetfile({'*.unv';'*.uff'}, 'Select files to be used', 'Multiselect','on');
if (selected_files==0)
msgbox('You selected nothing, and it returned a zero without any characters around it.');
elseif (Logical something indicating that I selected only one file.)
msgbox('You selected only one file');
elseif (Logical something indicating that I selected multiple files at once.)
msgbox('You selected multiple files.');
  3 Kommentare
Jan am 13 Jun. 2013
@Ozan Oguz: Please do not highjack a foreign question, but open a new thread instead. Note that you cannot accept an answer here, when you are not the author of the original question.
Othmane ELMOUATAMID am 20 Jul. 2018
@Ozan Oguz : try this code
[selected_files,directory] = uigetfile({'*.unv';'*.uff'}, 'Select files to be used', 'Multiselect','on');
if iscell(selected_files)
nbfiles = length(selected_files);
msgbox('You selected multiple files.');
elseif selected_files ~= 0
nbfiles = 1;
msgbox('You selected only one file');
nbfiles = 0;
msgbox('You selected nothing, and it returned a zero without any characters around it.');

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