Solve a variable in equation

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Rafael Zanetti
Rafael Zanetti am 9 Nov. 2020
Beantwortet: John D'Errico am 9 Nov. 2020
Hi everyone,
I have an equation (function) wich I need solve the lambda value:
f_lambda1 = 101*(1.2-40.40*lambda1).^2 - 200*(1.2-40.40*lambda1)*(1-880*lambda1).^2 - 2*(1.2-40.40*lambda1) + 100*(1-880*lambda1).^4 + 1 == 0;
So I tried to isolate lambda trough the command "x = isolate(f_lambda1, lambda1)" with out success, someone can help me about that solution?
I Thank You

Antworten (1)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico am 9 Nov. 2020
Just use solve. Or vpasolve will also suffice, since this is a polynomial, vpasolve will give all solutions.
lamb = solve(f_lambda1,'maxdegree',4)
Of course, that produces a lengthy, unreadable mess. If you want "the" lambda value, then use vpa on that.
ans =
- 0.00011080430165098438873831754345607 + 0.000010811919008810757147508304534553i
- 0.00011080430165098438873831754345607 - 0.000010811919008810757147508304534553i
0.0023313621528906538102259208492412 + 0.0000055949768600504265689959078403377i
0.0023313621528906538102259208492412 - 0.0000055949768600504265689959078403377i
Where we see 4 solutions and only 4. Since your problem is a quartic polynomial in lambda1, those are all the solutions. I have no idea which one you think is correct.

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