Plot heatmap with 3 variables
8 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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I have x,y, z data, where x and y are coordinates, and z is the measured value. How can I created a 2D plot, where low values of z are represented by one color, and higher values are represented by darker colors.
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Antworten (2)
Jonathan Epperl
am 21 Jan. 2013
Bearbeitet: Jonathan Epperl
am 21 Jan. 2013
I suggest imagesc(), for instance:
% Your x-axis
x = linspace(0,2*pi);
% y-axis
y = linspace(0,2*pi);
% a mesh because
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
% you need data at every possible x-y combination
Z = sin(X).*atan(Y);
% that scales the Z-values and plots a heatmap
% choose a colormap of your liking
colormap hot
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Image Analyst
am 21 Jan. 2013
Bearbeitet: Image Analyst
am 21 Jan. 2013
Turn your data into an image, say a 100 by 100 image. Then display with imshow() or image() and then use colormap() and colorbar. Something like this (untested):
minx = min(x);
maxx = max(x);
miny = min(y);
maxy = max(y);
meanValue = mean(z);
heatMapImage = meanValue * ones(100, 100);
for k = 1 : length(x)
column = round( (x(k) - xmin) * 100 / (maxx-minx) ) + 1;;
row = round( (y(k) - ymin) * 100 / (maxy-miny) ) + 1;
heatMapImage(row, column) = z(k);
imshow(heatMapImage, []);
Any unassigned values (like you don't have every single possible x and y value in your data) will be set to the mean value of what data you do have.
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