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guys can you chek this code its not working where is the fault?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Ezgi kaya
Ezgi kaya am 1 Jul. 2020
Geschlossen: MATLAB Answer Bot am 20 Aug. 2021
level = inputdlg('enter level');
if level == 1
boardgame = ones(8,8);
elseif level == 2
boardgame = ones(16,16);
elseif level == 3
boardgame = ones(24,24);
fprintf('pls choose a level')
ship_x = [];
ship_y = [];
settle = ceil(rand(1,1),2);
if settle == 1
ship_x(1) = ceil(rand(1,1),8);
ship_x(2) = ship_x(1);
ship_x(3) = ship_x(2);
ship_y(1) = ceil(rand(1,1),6);
ship_y(2) = ship_y(1)+1;
ship_y(3) = ship_y(2)+1;
elseif settle == 2
ship_y(1) = ceil(rand(1,1),8);
ship_y(2) = ship_y(1);
ship_y(3) = ship_y(2);
ship_x(1) = ceil(rand(1,1),6);
ship_x(2) = ship_x(1)+1;
ship_x(3) = ship_x(2)+1;
settle = ceil(rand(1,1),2);
for k = 1:1
if settle == 1
ship_x(1) = ceil(rand(1,1),8);
ship_x(2) = ship_x(1);
ship_x(3) = ship_x(2);
ship_y(1) = ceil(rand(1,1),6);
ship_y(2) = ship_y(1)+1;
ship_y(3) = ship_y(2)+1;
elseif settle == 2
ship_y(1) = ceil(rand(1,1),8);
ship_y(2) = ship_y(1);
ship_y(3) = ship_y(2);
ship_x(1) = ceil(rand(1,1),6);
ship_x(2) = ship_x(1)+1;
ship_x(3) = ship_x(2)+1;
for a = 1:3
A(a) = [ship_x(a),ship_y(a)];
  1 Kommentar
John D'Errico
John D'Errico am 1 Jul. 2020
So many possible reasons why it i not worksing. Mainly, I can't say this any better, but you probably need to learn more about MATLAB. And sadly, I have no idea why it is not working, because I don't know what the code is supposed to do.
For example, I'm not sure what uou think this does:
settle = ceil(rand(1,1),2);
but it ALWAYS generates the scalar value 1. NEVER 2.
Other things:
for k = 1:1
this is not a loop. It just assigns the value 1 to k.
But knowing what the code should do? This I cannot guess.

Antworten (1)

neil jerome
neil jerome am 13 Jul. 2020
Bearbeitet: neil jerome am 13 Jul. 2020
hi ezgi,
you've got yourself into some trouble here; don't worry, matlab isn't straightforward, and you had some decent ideas :)
i've written some code here to set up a battleship board with one boat, where you can freely choose the size of both. it does mostly what you were trying, i think, but maybe gives you a few new functions to look at and some hints as to how to structure your code. and don't forget to write comments for yourself, always!
your main problem was the syntax on using rand(); see how i have used it here.
good luck!
% battleship code
% get board and ship size
answer = inputdlg({'input board size', 'ship size'}, 'set difficulty', [1 10; 1 10], {'8', '3'});
boardSize = str2double(answer{1});
shipSize = str2double(answer{2});
if shipSize > boardSize
error('good luck with a boat that size!');
% decide if ship if horizontal/vertical on board
orient = round(rand());
if orient % vertical ship
shipStart = [ceil((boardSize-shipSize)*rand())+1 ceil((boardSize)*rand())+1];
shipCoord = repmat(shipStart', [1 shipSize]) + vertcat((1:shipSize)-1,zeros(1,shipSize));
else % horizontal ship
shipStart = [ceil((boardSize)*rand())+1 ceil((boardSize-shipSize)*rand())+1];
shipCoord = repmat(shipStart', [1 shipSize]) + vertcat(zeros(1,shipSize),(1:shipSize)-1);
% show board
board = zeros(boardSize);
for aa = 1:shipSize
board(shipCoord(1,aa), shipCoord(2,aa)) = 1;

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