matrix manipulation for color spaces.

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Malini Bakthavatchalam
Malini Bakthavatchalam am 19 Mai 2020
Beantwortet: vecdi am 11 Jun. 2024
Hi , I have an image . I want to convert that to [3 3] matrix value to play with color space. I understand imead will convert image to matrix form but if I want 3 3 matrix, How should I proceed?
  2 Kommentare
darova am 19 Mai 2020
Can you explain more? What size of your image? And what kind of conversion you want?
Malini Bakthavatchalam
Malini Bakthavatchalam am 19 Mai 2020
tVersion: ''
Width: 480
Height: 502
BitDepth: 24
ColorType: 'truecolor'
FormatSignature: ''
NumberOfSamples: 3
This is my image size. The image is just a face of a girl. So I want to convert this image in DKL space and work on illusion project.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 19 Mai 2020
Bearbeitet: Walter Roberson am 19 Mai 2020
You probably do not want a 3 x 3 images. What you probably want is to let T be a 3 x 3 transformation matrix, and RGB be your RGB image, then
M = reshape(RGB, [], 3);
transformed = M * T;
nonRGB = reshape(transformed, size(RGB));
  26 Kommentare
Malini Bakthavatchalam
Malini Bakthavatchalam am 25 Mai 2020
Yes, thank you I got your point, so I wrote my final code for converting into DKL color space back into RGB..
clear all
close all
RGB = imread('file.jpg')
MyImrgb = reshape(im2double(RGB), [],3);
Imrgb = MyImrgb.^2.2; %gamma correction
[x, y, z] = size(Imrgb);
ldrgyv2rgbMat = [1,1,0.236748566577269;
1,0.0137437185685517,1]; % B (mat based on the classic calibration technic)
MyImrgbCol = reshape(Imrgb, [x*y, z]);
MyImldrgyvCol = ldrgyv2rgbMat\(MyImrgbCol'*2 - 1);
figure(1), imshow(RGB)
figure(2), imshow(MyImldrgyvCol)
But i get error
Error using \
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in dkltry2 (line 12)
MyImldrgyvCol = ldrgyv2rgbMat\(MyImrgbCol'*2 - 1);
Malini Bakthavatchalam
Malini Bakthavatchalam am 25 Mai 2020
Also, I have one more doubt, I used an color thresholder to remove my background. and I used that image in the color space transformation. but now when I use my complete code for the project, it is still calculating my histogram with background so how can i solve the issue.. I am attaching my complete code here

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Weitere Antworten (1)

vecdi am 11 Jun. 2024
RGB = imread('file.jpg')
MyImrgb = reshape(im2double(RGB), [],3);
Imrgb = MyImrgb.^2.2; %gamma correction
[x, y, z] = size(Imrgb);
ldrgyv2rgbMat = [1,1,0.236748566577269;
1,0.0137437185685517,1]; % B (mat based on the classic calibration technic)
MyImrgbCol = reshape(Imrgb, [x*y, z]);
MyImldrgyvCol = ldrgyv2rgbMat\(MyImrgbCol'*2 - 1);
figure(1), imshow(RGB)
figure(2), imshow(MyImldrgyvCol)
But i get error
Error using \
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in dkltry2 (line 12)
MyImldrgyvCol = ldrgyv2rgbMat\(MyImrgbCol'*2 - 1);


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