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Assign values to intervals of matrix

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
d7366431 am 14 Mai 2020
Kommentiert: d7366431 am 14 Mai 2020
Could you please tell me how to assign values to each of 580 elements in the matrix.
Let say I have nx3 matrix and for the first 580 elements of 3rd column should be assigned value from the 1st element of the vecor t1 (mx1 size), for the next 580 elements of 3rd column should be assigned 2nd element of the vector t1.
I tried to implement it with the for loop, but the problem is how to iterate through the t1(z).
Thank you!
for i=1:580:length(A)
for k=1:580

Akzeptierte Antwort

John D'Errico
John D'Errico am 14 Mai 2020
Bearbeitet: John D'Errico am 14 Mai 2020
Use MATLAB as it is designed to be used - as a language that works with vectors and matrices.
A(:,3) = repelem(t1,580);
  1 Kommentar
d7366431 am 14 Mai 2020
Thank you! Just Genius! I didn't know about this function =)

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