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exponentially distributed random number

12 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Mos_bad am 28 Jan. 2020
Kommentiert: John D'Errico am 28 Jan. 2020
I want to generate exponentially distributed randm numbers (with mean=lambda) untill the summation of generated numbers is less or equal than T_design=75. thereby, I need to save the random numbers.

Akzeptierte Antwort

John D'Errico
John D'Errico am 28 Jan. 2020
Wow. Its been 40 years since I did this sort of stuff. ;-)
I assume you have a stochastic process that you wish to model, as that is what it looks like. So you have some (Poisson) process with exponential inter-arrival time, with rate parameter lambda. You want to generate a set of such arrivals over a span of time T_design.
The simple solution is to just generate those samples, one at a time until you exceed T_design, using a loop.
Be careful here though, because if you use exprnd to generate the samples, exprnd defines the parameter as the mean. Some exponential distribution definitions use the inverse of that. For example, if you read wikipedia, it uses the inverse mean definition of an exponential distribution. (Sigh.)
However, a simple code might look like this:
T_design = 75;
lambda = 3; % I just picked an exponential rate parameter out of a hat
arrivals = [];
while true
newarrival = exprnd(lambda,1);
if sum(arrivals) + newarrival < T_design
arrivals(end+1) = newarrival;
So a very simple scheme, that grows a list of arrivals, until you get one that pushes you over the end point.
arrivals =
Columns 1 through 11
2.6221 9.008 0.30704 0.17039 2.1348 2.1446 3.2566 0.3159 2.9889 6.5892 0.74441
Columns 12 through 22
2.8268 4.2603 2.7197 7.0161 6.0755 0.17909 0.13457 1.6591 8.4513 4.3473 3.1225
Column 23
ans =
The only flaw to this is it forces you to dynamically grow the array arrivals. That is inefficient. So, perhaps better is to preallocate arrivals to some reasonable size. I expect to see roughly T_design/lambda events over that time span. If I pre-allocate arrivals to be 50% larger than the expected number, I should normally be ok. (We can do better than that estimate, as a function of lambda, of course.) However, this code should be reasonably efficient:
T_design = 75;
lambda = 3; % I just picked an exponential rate parameter out of a hat
arrivals = NaN(1,ceil(1.5*T_design/lambda));
counter = 0;
sumarrivals = 0;
while true
newarrival = exprnd(lambda,1);
if sumarrivals + newarrival < T_design
sumarrivals = sumarrivals + newarrival;
counter = counter + 1;
arrivals(counter) = newarrival;
arrivals = arrivals(1:counter);
Can we do better? Of course....
  2 Kommentare
Mos_bad am 28 Jan. 2020
Thank you so much. yeah it is for poisson process. Now I got one more question. I have a while loop whithin a for loop which iterates the lambda values. How I can save the final out put of the nested loops including different generated exponentiall random realization based on different lambda values.
What I am trying to save is "arrivals" for different "m_int" or "lambda_m_int" values.
Here is the code:
M_min=4.5; M_max=8.0;
T_design=75; %years
a=4.56; b=1.0;
syms m
F_M=(1-exp(-beta*(m-M_min))) / (1-(exp(-beta*(M_max-M_min)))); % CDF of Mag.
lambda_m=1-F_M; %annual rat
for mm=1:length(m_int)
lambda_m_int = double(subs(lambda_m, m,m_int_));
arrivals = [];
while true
newarrival = exprnd(1/lambda_m_int,1);
if sum(arrivals) + newarrival < T_design
arrivals(end+1) = newarrival;
John D'Errico
John D'Errico am 28 Jan. 2020
Since the arivals will be a vector of potentially different lengths for every lambda, just save them in a cell array, each set in one cell.

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