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Numerical solution of integral equation with parametric variable

11 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Please, how can I solve integral equation in Matlab
L = integral (f(b,t)) dt for third variable (parametric variable b)
Limits of integral are t0, t1.

Akzeptierte Antwort

Jarrod Rivituso
Jarrod Rivituso am 7 Apr. 2011
OK, I'm gonna assume you want to do it numerically. Check out this (warning, it gets a little crazy with the function handles):
function solveIntegralForB
bfound = fsolve(@func2minimize,2)
function output = func2minimize(b)
t0 = 0;
t1 = 3;
L = 50;
output = (L - quad(@myFunc,t0,t1))^2;
function f = myFunc(t)
f = exp(b*t);
Essentially, what it does is use the quad function to perform an integration for some value of b. Additionally, it uses the fsolve function to then minimize the "func2minimize" function, which performs the integral for some value of b and checks it against my desired solution.
Here, I've assumed a simple function (exp(b*t)) as f, but you could see how it could be changed. Of course, this is an iterative solution, so there's no guarantee of it finding a solution for all functions f.
Hope this helps!
  1 Kommentar
Pooyan am 9 Jun. 2014
Bearbeitet: Pooyan am 9 Jun. 2014
How if L is a known function of t and b is an unknown function of t? Can anyone help me on that? and again I want to solve the equation for b(t). Let's assume L(t)= sin(t) and t=0:0.1:10;

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Weitere Antworten (2)

Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle am 8 Apr. 2011
A variation on Jarrod's approach, using function handles (because everyone loves function handles):
myFunc = @(t,b) exp(t*b); % or whatever
t0 = 0;
t1 = 3;
L = 50;
f = @(b) quad(@(t) myFunc(t,b),t0,t1);
bsolve = fzero(f,2);
Or fsolve instead of fzero if you have Optimization Toolbox.

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 11 Apr. 2011
If you have the symbolic toolbox,
syms x b
In theory if it can be solved symbolically it will do so, and if not then MuPad should switch to numeric integrations, I think.


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