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linear system of equations
Your equations are not independent. The second is 2 times the first

etwa 10 Jahre vor | 1

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Troubles with interaction problem
here is a partial answer, without using symbolic tool box...see my comment above and you should be able to adapt the code to wha...

mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Why is my Simpson's 3/8 code not producing the correct values?
your first loop should start at 2, second at 3, third at 4. Set end points for all loops at n-1. Make sure n is divisible by 3 ...

mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 1

how to create customized curve ( only know the shape )
maybe this or similar would help <>

etwa 11 Jahre vor | 0

problem about ODE (Rayleigh-Plesset Equation) error in ode15s
check your call to ode15s [T,R] = ode15s('RP',[0 3e-8],[1e-6 70]); %your code what does the following give you? [T,...

etwa 11 Jahre vor | 0

Problem in reading data from Excel sheet and copying it in 2d array
reverse i & j ? %copying data from the Numeric array to P for i = 1: 1:1110 for j = 1: 1 : 6...

etwa 11 Jahre vor | 1

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Issue with lsqcurvefit and langmuir type equation
see comments in revised code below myfun = @(x,xdata) (x(1)*x(2).*xdata)./(1+x(2).*xdata); %added elementwise operators ./ ...

etwa 11 Jahre vor | 0

how do i save looped output into 1 variable matrix
c=19; % D=[]; p = zeros(c,1); % preallocate for k=1:c; Z=[X(:,1),Y(:,1)]; p(k)=anova1(Z); %D=save(p) unecessary %X(...

etwa 11 Jahre vor | 0

Plese help me. Matlab 'while' loop. A set of data is given..?
x =[ 8, 10, 12, 14, 16] find(x>=11,1) ans = 3 *edit*----------------------------- x = 8 10 ...

etwa 11 Jahre vor | 0

Finding coefficients and constant for multivariable linear equation.
You don't have enough points. 4 points < 5 unknowns

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Vandermonde Matrix and an Error Vector
X = V\B

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

gaussian histogram so that area is equal to one.
it does not make sense to me to have the number of bins equal to your length of data. The purpose of a histogram is to describe...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

error message using polyfit (nonlinear regression)
I think it is obvious from the message; you don't have a enough data points to fit the polynomial uniquely. Like fitting a line ...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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Error using mupadmex " MuPAD "
Don't define wn as symbolic vo=input('vo='); xo=input('xo='); wn=input('wn='); syms t; %syms wn; comment this...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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Plot inside a "for" loop
Please see comments in code. I checked a couple of values and they agree with your excel table, but it is up to you to verify t...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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finding the breakeven point
Are you sure your equation is right? Anyway here is an example with a modified equation: f = @(c) log((c-1)./log(1+c)) ...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

sum(w) and ones(1,size(w,2))*w' results totally different numbers
try ones(size(w))*w.'

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Ttest problem with alpha
you do not need to pass 'Alpha' to the function, you are getting the error because you are trying to pass a string when it is ex...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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Cleaning-up Code With Comments
%{ were you thinking of multiple lines of comments? (curly braces,not tildes) }%

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1

Curve fitting to get gamma curve parameter
If you have the statistics toolbox, you can use: gamfit()

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

to find area of parabola?
x=[7.8 8.25 8.55]; y=[0.96 0.99 0.94]; p=polyfit(x,y,2); %f=polyval(x,p); x & p should be reversed ...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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Plot empties after using datetick
clc;clear; close all startDate = datenum('01-01-2009'); endDate = datenum('12-31-2009'); xData = linspace(startDa...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1

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How to plot in 4_D?
look at the documentation for slice by typing in the command window doc slice also, look at the documentation f...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Simpson's Rule Illustration - How to create those parabolas?
here is what I have done <<>> clc;clear; close all x = linspace(0,4*pi); % create data ...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1

How to solve max load of P in Matlab?
So, when I see a problem statement that says "solve the above system of equations" I think of formulating the equations in matri...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1

Want to make linear fitting and plot both graph on the same curve
you are going to have to transform your data: x=[0;0.100000000000000;0.200000000000000;0.300000000000000;0.40000000000000...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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Solving for a data point
pt2pt1 = @(M)(((y+1)*M^2)/((y-1)*M^2+2))^(y/(y-1))*((y+1)/(2*y*M^2-(y-1)))^(1/(y-1))-.6925 fsolve(pt2pt1,2)

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Creating a for loop that adds a number to a letter
for insight into what is going on try char(1:99) does it look familiar to what you are getting?

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

How to obtain values symbolically
alternative: c =sym(1:10) f = @(x) sum(c.*x.^(1:length(c)));

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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