How to add plot points in my map?

12 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
desert_scientist90 am 15 Dez. 2019
Bearbeitet: Adam Danz am 15 Dez. 2019
Hi all I am trying learn how to do a map with the air stations located on Pima county. I have the county already my question is how can I add the latitude and longitude of each station on my code? For example one of them is 32.52701484484009 -111.07177734375
Thanks in advance for your help
data = shaperead('tl_2019_us_county.shp','UseGeoCoords',true,'Selector',{@(name)strcmpi('pima',name),'NAME'});

Akzeptierte Antwort

Adam Danz
Adam Danz am 15 Dez. 2019
Bearbeitet: Adam Danz am 15 Dez. 2019
" can I add the latitude and longitude of each station on my code"
Since you are using the shaperead argument pair {'UseGeoCoords',true},
data = shaperead('tl_2019_us_county.shp','UseGeoCoords',true, . . .);
data will be a structure array including fields lon and lat. To add additional latitude and longitude coordinates,
S(end+1).Lon = 32.52701484484009; % adds an additional structure to array
S(end).Lat = -111.07177734375; % adds the lat value to the new structure
% Add any other values to the new structure...
If the goal is to add those coordinates to the map, you can do that without altering the shaperead data.
hold on
plot(-111.07177734375, 32.52701484484009,'bo')

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