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"generateS​imulationE​nsemble" function not working as intended?

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
M. Mubashir Hussain
M. Mubashir Hussain am 22 Nov. 2019
Kommentiert: Alec Stothert am 17 Dez. 2019
Hi! I am using "generateSimulationEnsemble" to generate dataset from my simulink model that also contains some simscape blocks.I am using the simulation inputs as shown below:
simin(1) = Simulink.SimulationInput(mdl);
simin(1) = simin(1).setVariable('var',1);
Simulations are executing perfectly and the variables that I am logging in the Simulink model are being stored in the generated matfiles. However:
  1. the variables that I set, like 'var' in second line of code above, are not being stored in the generated matfiles.
  2. only'logsout' and 'SimulationMetadata' are included in the matfiles. As per documentation of the "generateSimulationEnsemble" function, "SimulationInput" and "PMSignalLogName" must have been saved as well. However, they are not being saved.
Kindly suggest what I must be doing wrong?
  1 Kommentar
Alec Stothert
Alec Stothert am 17 Dez. 2019
Adding the SimulationInput and PMSignalLogName are done post simulation, was there an error somewhere, i.e., is the second output argument of generateSimulationEnsemble not empty? Also which MATLAB version are you using R2019b?

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