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could anyone help me how to update the array values with respect to the following arrays

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
A= [1.0119 1.6739;
2.8012 1.6381;
0.0752 0.1222;
1.3143 0.8189;
0.7956 0.8750;
1.8512 1.1499]
B =[0.9512 0.4314;
0.2490 0.8309;
0.3864 0.8246]
C= [ 3;
I am having the above three matrices,I want to update B by considering the average values of A with respect to C.
For example,
In C i have 2nd,4th and 6th rows to be 1 which means i need to add the mentioned rows in A and find the average of it and it needs to be updated in first row of B.
in the same way,i need to add 3rd and 5th rows in A and it needs to get updated in second rows of B.
On doing this the updated B should be [1.9889 1.2023;
0.4354 0.4986;
0.3864 0.8246]
could anyone please help me on this.

Antworten (2)

Alaster Meehan
Alaster Meehan am 14 Okt. 2019
B(1,:) = mean(A(C == 1,:));
B(2,:) = mean(A(C == 2,:));
B(3,:) = mean(A(C == 3,:));
Or you can put it in a for loop.
for ii = 1:3
B(ii,:) = mean(A(C == ii,:));
Cheers Alaster
  3 Kommentare
Alaster Meehan
Alaster Meehan am 14 Okt. 2019
Sorry should have specified dimension for mean().
Also add in the max value for C, to generalise the loop.
If thre is an index not present in C then this will result in a row of NaNs.
for ii = 1:max(C)
B(ii,:) = mean(A(C == ii,:),1)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov am 14 Okt. 2019
Bearbeitet: Andrei Bobrov am 15 Okt. 2019
a = (1:max(C))';
b = accumarray(C,1);
i = a(accumarray(C,1) > 1);
[lo,ii] = ismember(C,i);
AA = A(lo,:);
[iii,j] = ndgrid(ii(lo),1:size(B,2));
B(i,:) = accumarray([iii(:),j(:)],AA(:),[],@mean);
  4 Kommentare
jaah navi
jaah navi am 15 Okt. 2019
I tried your code with respect to the following matrices
A=[1.0119 1.6739
2.8012 1.6381
0.0752 0.1222
1.3143 0.8189
0.7956 0.8750
1.8512 1.1499];
B=[0.3788 0.6150;
0.7567 0.4021;
0.5070 0.1980]
C =[1;
a = unique(C)
i = a(accumarray(C,1) > 1)
lo = ismember(C,i)
AA = A(lo,:)
[ii,j] = ndgrid(C(lo),1:size(B,2))
B(i,:) = accumarray([ii(:),j(:)],AA(:),[],@mean)
When i run the code i am getting error stating Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
Error in line
B(i,:) = accumarray([ii(:),j(:)],AA(:),[],@mean)
Could you please help me on this.

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