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I want to add this cell variable 'condition_col' to existing matrix 'data' if certain conditions are met, following code doesn't work, any help?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
condition_col = 'codition1'
condition_col = cellstr(condition_col);
data = num2cell(data);
for i = 1:length(data)
if strcmpi(data(i,5),1) && data(i,6)> 5 && strcmpi(data(i,5), 2) && data(i,6) < 5
data{i} = [data, condition_col];
  3 Kommentare
Guillaume am 4 Aug. 2019
following code doesn't work, any help
The code makes no sense at all and there's no comment explaining what it's meant to do.
Can you explain with examples using valid matlab syntax what it is you want to do?
Bubblesjinx am 5 Aug. 2019
I just want to add a new variable to one column in it's each row when a certain conditon is met. For example:
if col5(1,1)==1 && col6 <5
%then add variable1 in the corresponding row to col10
elseif col5(1,1)==2 && col6 >5
%then add variable2 in the corresponding row to col10

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Akzeptierte Antwort

newbie9 am 4 Aug. 2019
See if this helps to get you on the right track:
% set up dummy data to work with
data = rand(20,1);
data = array2table(data);
data.Properties.VariableNames = {'MyColumnName'};
for ii = 1 : height(data)
% example condition, use your condition instead
if data.MyColumnName(ii) < 0.5
data.codition1{ii} = 'Condition Met';
data.codition1{ii} = '';
  4 Kommentare
newbie9 am 5 Aug. 2019
Thanks Guillaume, that is a much better approach. Maybe you should write it up as a separate answer so the OP can accept it as the correct answer.
Guillaume am 5 Aug. 2019
I'm fine with you getting the credit. You understood what the OP was asking for and got him in the right direction.

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