How do you update the legend of Figure 2 instead of Figure 1?
3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Kristin Contreras
am 23 Jul. 2019
Kommentiert: Aviel Moos
am 24 Jul. 2019
Figure 1 should have red circle data points called "Iris Data (red)".
Figure 2 should have blue circle data points called "Synthetic Iris Data (blue)".
Figure 3 should be a combination of both graphs.
Code Below:
% The column vector, |species|, consists of iris flowers of three
% different species, setosa, versicolor, virginica. The double matrix
% |features| consists of four types of measurements on the flowers, the length
% and width of sepals and petals in centimeters, respectively.
features = xlsread("iris.xls", 2); %sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width
labels = xlsread("iris.xls", 3); % flower type classes
species = cell(size(labels));
% The names of features are stored in an array.
feature_names = ["Sepal Length", "Sepal Width", "Petal Length", "Petal Width"];
%% Features
% Use petal length (third column in |features| ) and petal width (fourth column
% in |features| ) measurements. Save these as variables PL and PW,
% respectively.
% 4 features & 3 classes
SL = features(:,1);
SW = features(:,2);
PL = features(:,3);
PW = features(:,4);
%% Recall Original Iris Data
% Recall Iris Setosa
Class1 = features(1:50,:);
SLClass1 = features(1:50,1);
SWClass1 = features(1:50,2);
PLClass1 = features(1:50,3);
PWClass1 = features(1:50,4);
% Recall Iris Versicolor
Class2 = features(51:100,:);
SLClass2 = features(51:100,1);
SWClass2 = features(51:100,2);
PLClass2 = features(51:100,3);
PWClass2 = features(51:100,4);
% Recall Iris Virginica
Class3 = features(101:150,:);
SLClass3= features(101:150,1);
SWClass3= features(101:150,2);
PLClass3= features(101:150,3);
PWClass3= features(101:150,4);
%% Synthetic Data
%% Class 1 - SL vs. PW
% Plot Original Class 1 - Iris SL vs. PW.
plotIris = scatter(SLClass1,PWClass1,'r')
hold on;
set(plotIris,{'DisplayName'},{'Iris Data (red)'})
legend show;
title('Original Iris Data - Class 1 - Sepal Length vs. Petal Width');
xlabel('Sepal Length');
ylabel('Petal Width');
hold off;
%% Generate Random Data
% Create Random Data with 100 Additional Observations for Each Class
% Class 1 Randoms. Generate 100 extra observations. Random Data must be 100 x 4 and normally distributed.
Class1_r = randn(100,4);
%Class1_r = randi([0 1],100,4); % Randi did not create a truly random data.
SLClass1_r = Class1_r(:,1);
SWClass1_r = Class1_r(:,2);
PLClass1_r = Class1_r(:,3);
PWClass1_r = Class1_r(:,4);
a = min(SLClass1_r(:));
b = max(SLClass1_r(:));
ra = 0.0886;
rb = 0.4684;
SLClass1_Normalized = (((ra-rb) * (SLClass1_r - a)) / (b - a)) + rb;
a = min(PWClass1_r(:));
b = max(PWClass1_r(:));
ra = -0.9200;
rb = -0.5200;
PWClass1_Normalized = (((ra-rb) * (PWClass1_r - a)) / (b - a)) + rb;
% Plot Synthetic Data - Class 1 - SL vs. PW
Class1_Synthetic = scatter(SLClass1_Normalized,PWClass1_Normalized,'b')
hold on;
set(plotIris,{'DisplayName'},{'Synthetic Iris Data (blue)'})
legend show
title('Synthetic Iris Data - Class 1 - Sepal Length vs. Petal Width');
xlabel('Sepal Length');
ylabel('Petal Width');
% Plot Combined Graphs - Class 1 - SL vs. PW
plotIris = scatter(SLClass1,PWClass1,'r')
set(plotIris,{'DisplayName'},{'Iris Data (red)'})
hold on;
legend show
title('Class 1 - SL vs. PW - Original & Synthetic Data');
xlabel('Sepal Length');
ylabel('Petal Width');
Class1_Synthetic = scatter(SLClass1_Normalized,PWClass1_Normalized,'b')
set(plotIris,{'DisplayName'},{'Synthetic Iris Data (blue)'})
legend show
hold off;



2 Kommentare
Akzeptierte Antwort
am 23 Jul. 2019
Bearbeitet: infinity
am 23 Jul. 2019
In the code of figure 2, you should change a bit like this
Class1_Synthetic = scatter(SLClass1_Normalized,PWClass1_Normalized,'b')
hold on;
set(Class1_Synthetic,{'DisplayName'},{'Synthetic Iris Data (blue)'})
2 Kommentare
am 23 Jul. 2019
Bearbeitet: infinity
am 23 Jul. 2019
in my edited code, I did not change anything except
Since, plotIris is handle of figure 1, and Class1_Synthetic is handle of figure 2. In figure 2, you keep handle of figure 1, therefore, you just again update in figure 1.
Weitere Antworten (1)
Aviel Moos
am 23 Jul. 2019
In general if you want to apply something to a specifice figure you can write this before:
figure(2); % That will bring figure number 2 infront.
Just change to a specifice figure number.
2 Kommentare
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