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can someone change this javascript to matlab script

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Khalid Mojallid
Khalid Mojallid am 28 Mär. 2019
Geschlossen: John D'Errico am 28 Mär. 2019
public class Ass5 { public static void intro() { System.out.println("Hangman Game!"); System.out.println("I will think of a random word."); System.out.println("You'll try to guess its letters."); System.out.println("Try guess correctly to avoid loses!"); } public static String getSecretWord() { String[] word_list = {"ruby", "python", "java", "fortran", "html", "php"}; // to return random string, first i'm gonna create a random number between 0 - to the length of the array , then take the index of that number from the array. int TakeMe = (int) (Math.random() * word_list.length); String RandomWord = word_list[TakeMe]; return RandomWord; } public static boolean playOneGame(String secret_word, char[] secret_letter) { // You can enable cheat mode by removing the two slashes in the line below :) // System.out.println("*** Cheat mode is ON :D secret word is : *** - " + secret_word + " - ***"); Scanner input = new Scanner(; int NumTrialLeft = 5; int CorrectGuess = 0; int WrongGuess = 0; String WrongMsg = "Misses: "; boolean DidHeGuessedIt = false; while (NumTrialLeft > 0 && DidHeGuessedIt == false) { System.out.println("-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"); System.out.println("You have " + NumTrialLeft + " trials left."); // if a place at the array is empty it will print "-" and if its not it will print that letter System.out.print("Word: "); for (int i = 0; i < secret_word.length(); i++) { char TestMe = secret_word.charAt(i); if (TestMe == secret_letter[i]) { System.out.print(" " + secret_letter[i]); } else { System.out.print(" - "); } } System.out.print("\nEnter your Guess Letter: "); char guessLetter =; guessLetter = Character.toLowerCase(guessLetter); if (correctGuess(secret_word, secret_letter, guessLetter) == true) { CorrectGuess++; switch (winningState(secret_letter)) { case 0: DidHeGuessedIt = true; break; case 1: break; } } else { WrongMsg += " " + guessLetter; System.out.println(WrongMsg); WrongGuess++; NumTrialLeft--; } } System.out.println("************************************"); System.out.println("Your Attempt Status: "); System.out.println("_____________________"); System.out.println(" number of wrong guess is = " + WrongGuess); System.out.println(" number of correct guess is = " + CorrectGuess); System.out.println("************************************\n\n"); if (DidHeGuessedIt == true) { System.out.println("You did it right :) , the word is: " + secret_word); return true; } else { System.out.println("Wrong :( ,The word was..." + secret_word); return false; } } public static boolean correctGuess(String secret_word, char[] secret_letter, char guessLetter) { boolean Match = false; for (int i = 0; i < secret_word.length(); i++) { if (guessLetter == secret_word.charAt(i)){ Match = true; secret_letter[i] = guessLetter; } } return Match; } public static int winningState(char[] secret_letter) { // 0 done , 1 still needs filling. boolean Status = false; // if a place at arary equals \u0000 (empty), that means it still need filling. for (int i = 0; i < secret_letter.length; i++) { if (secret_letter[i] == '\u0000') { Status = false; break; } else { Status = true; } } if (Status == true) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } public static void getStat(int[] game_stat) { // Sorry i didnt use (int index) here because i really didn't understand the use for it !! and its working 100% without it :) int total_won = game_stat[0]; int total_loss = game_stat[1]; int total_games = game_stat[2]; System.out.println("------------------"); System.out.println("Your final Profile status:"); System.out.println("_______________"); System.out.println("total number of Hangman games played = " + total_games); System.out.println("total number of won games = " + total_won); System.out.println("total number of loss games = " + total_loss); } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(; intro(); // in this Array i will store the number of games, win, and looses. int[] getStat = new int[3]; // at [2] is the total number of games // at [1] won games // at [0] lost games boolean WorL; // Win Or Lost while (true) { getStat[2]++; String Secret_Word = getSecretWord(); char[] secret_letter = new char[Secret_Word.length()]; WorL = playOneGame(Secret_Word, secret_letter); if (WorL == true) { getStat[0]++; } else { getStat[1]++; } System.out.println("\nDo you want to play again (y / n):"); String Choice =; switch (Choice) { case "y": break; case "n": getStat(getStat); System.exit(0); } } } }

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