read a file and covert it to two arrays

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Robert Jones
Robert Jones am 22 Feb. 2019
Beantwortet: Robert Jones am 23 Feb. 2019
I have an ascii data file with the following content:
I need to read it and create two arrays: one containing the names of the variables and another containing the values of the variables, i.e.
vn=[a b c];
vv=[2 4 9];
I have no control on the input file, it's just given to me.
Any ideas?

Antworten (3)

Robert Jones
Robert Jones am 22 Feb. 2019
here it is

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 22 Feb. 2019
Try this (untested)
% Open the file.
fileID = fopen(fullFileName, 'rt');
loopCounter = 1;
% Read the first line of the file.
textLine = fgetl(fileID);
while ischar(textLine)
equalLocation = strfind(textLine, '=')
ca{loopCounter, 1} = textLine(1:(equalLocation-1));
ca{loopCounter, 2} = str2double(textLine((equalLocation+1):end))
% Read the remaining lines of the file.
fprintf('%s\n', textLine);
% Read the next line.
textLine = fgetl(fileID);
loopCounter = loopCounter + 1;
% All done reading all lines, so close the file.
ca is your cell array output.
  4 Kommentare
Robert Jones
Robert Jones am 22 Feb. 2019
I see,
this how I solved the problem, not sure if this is the most elegant, but vn=[a b c] and qq=[5,3,9]
Thank you
clear all
% Open the file.
fileID = fopen(fullFileName, 'rt');
loopCounter = 1;
% Read the first line of the file.
textLine = fgetl(fileID);
while ischar(textLine)
equalLocation = strfind(textLine, '=');
ca{loopCounter, 1} = textLine(1:(equalLocation-1));
ca{loopCounter, 2} = textLine((equalLocation+1):end);
% Read the remaining lines of the file.
fprintf('%s\n', textLine);
% Read the next line.
textLine = fgetl(fileID);
loopCounter = loopCounter + 1;
% All done reading all lines, so close the file.
for i=1:size(vv)
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 23 Feb. 2019
You're right. Not elegant. No need at all for a second loop. If you want a numerical/double vector, qq, then just simply put qq into the loop instead of ca{loopCounter, 2}:
qq(loopCounter) = str2double(textLine((equalLocation+1):end))
And the reason I used a cell array instead of a character array is to be robust enough to handle possible cases where the letters before the equals sign are more than one, like a two letter variable instead of a one letter variable. If you know for a fact that you will ALWAYS have single letters then you can just put your vn into the loop along with the qq. Again, just a single for loop is needed, NOT two.

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Robert Jones
Robert Jones am 23 Feb. 2019
Thank you


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