random polygons inside a semi-circle

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
jahanzaib ahmad
jahanzaib ahmad am 25 Okt. 2018
Kommentiert: jahanzaib ahmad am 28 Jun. 2019
how to generate 2D random convex polygons inside a semi-circle 150mm diameter.the size of polygons should have a limit . maximum length of side of polygons is between 5 to 10 mm not smaller nor larger
  4 Kommentare
Guillaume am 25 Okt. 2018
Please, don't write in all caps. It's very difficult to read.
jahanzaib ahmad
jahanzaib ahmad am 25 Okt. 2018
i have used this code to generate polygons now i want to place them randomly in semi circles and want to fix there size as well
x1 = rand(1,10); y1 = rand(1,10);
vi = convhull(x1,y1); polyarea(x1(vi),y1(vi))
plot(x1,y1,'.') axis equal hold on fill ( x1(vi), y1(vi), 'r','facealpha', 0.5 ); hold off

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong am 25 Okt. 2018
Bearbeitet: Bruno Luong am 28 Okt. 2018
Edit code:
  1. make polygon more uniform in size at the trade off of randomness remove artifact of the border.
  2. adjust repulsion parameters.
  3. improve sticky-border artifact due to denser points
N = 100; % aproximative number of polygonals to be generated
n = 64; % control size and number of vertexes of polygonal
nrepulsion = 8; % control the size of the polygonal and the randomness of the position
X = randn(N,2);
R = sqrt(rand(N,1));
X = R .* X ./ sqrt(sum(X.^2,2));
X(:,2) = abs(X(:,2));
nb = 100;
theta = linspace(0,pi,nb)';
XC = [cos(theta), sin(theta)];
nb = ceil(nb*2/pi);
XY0 = linspace(-1,1,nb)' .* [1 0];
XY0([1 end],:) = [];
n1 = size(X,1);
n2 = size(XC,1);
n3 = size(XY0,1);
CC = n1+(1:n2-1)' + [0 1];
C0 = (n1+n2)+(1:n3-1)' + [0 1];
C = [CC; C0];
XB = [XC; XY0];
% Repulsion of seeds to avoid them to be too close to each other
for k = 1:nrepulsion-1
XALL = [X; XB];
DT = delaunayTriangulation(XALL);
T = DT.ConnectivityList;
containX = ismember(T,1:n1);
b = any(containX,2);
TX = T(b,:);
[r,i0] = find(containX(b,:));
i = mod(i0+(-1:1),3)+1;
i = TX(r + (i-1)*size(TX,1));
T = accumarray([i(:,1);i(:,1)],[i(:,2);i(:,3)],[n1 1],@(x) {x});
maxd2 = 0;
R = zeros(n1,2);
for i=1:n1
Ti = T{i};
P = X(i,:) - XALL(Ti,:);
nP2 = sum(P.^2,2);
maxd2 = maxd2 + mean(nP2);
b = Ti > n1;
nP2(b) = nP2(b)*3; % reduce repulsion from each point of the border
R(i,:) = sum(P./nP2,1);
if k==1
v0 = 0.005/sqrt(maxd2/n1);
v = v0/sqrt(max(sum(R.^2,2)));
X = X + v*R;
% Project back if points falling outside the half-circle
X(:,2) = max(X(:,2),0.01);
r2 = sum(X.^2,2);
out = r2>1;
X(out,:) = X(out,:) .* (0.99 ./ sqrt(r2(out)));
DT = delaunayTriangulation(X);
[V,P] = voronoiDiagram(DT);
KX = convexHull(DT);
[ib,ik] = ismember(1:N,KX);
r = 2;
r2 = r^2;
PXB = polyshape(XC);
for k=1:N
Pk = V(P{k},:);
if ib(k) % infinity
ik0 = ik(k);
if ik0 == length(KX)
kp = KX(1);
kp = KX(ik0+1);
km = k;
Pv = Pk(2,:);
if Pv*Pv' < r2
t = X(km,:)-X(kp,:);
nt2 = t*t';
P0 = t*((Pv*t')/nt2);
cs2 = P0*P0';
if cs2 <= r2
d = [-t(2),t(1)] / sqrt(nt2);
sn = sqrt(r2-cs2);
if sn > (Pv-P0)*d'
Pk(1,:) = P0 + sn*d;
Pk(1,:) = [];
Pk(1,:) = [];
Pk(1,:) = [];
if ik0 == 1
km = KX(end);
km = KX(ik0-1);
kp = k;
Pv = Pk(end,:);
if Pv*Pv' < r2
t = X(km,:)-X(kp,:);
nt2 = t*t';
P0 = t*((Pv*t')/nt2);
cs2 = P0*P0';
if cs2 <= r2
d = [-t(2),t(1)] / sqrt(nt2);
sn = sqrt(r2-cs2);
if sn > (Pv-P0)*d'
Pk(end+1,:) = P0 + sn*d;
[Pk,sid] = intersect(PXB, polyshape(Pk));
Pk = Pk.Vertices;
m = length(Pk);
if m >= 3
nb1 = sum(sid == 1);
m = m - nb1;
W = rand(n,m-1) .^ (1./(m-1:-1:1));
W = cumprod([ones(n,1),W],2) .* (1-[W, zeros(n,1)]);
if nb1>0
% Consider weight of the borders as weight for two points
Pk = circshift(Pk,-find(sid==0, 1, 'first'),1);
nb1 = nb1+2;
w = linspace(0,2/nb1,nb1);
Pk = [Pk(1:m-2,:); [w; fliplr(w)]*Pk(m-1:end,:)];
Pk = W*Pk;
K = convhull(Pk);
P{k} = Pk(K,:);
P{k} = [];
P(cellfun('isempty',P)) = [];
% Check
fig = figure(1);
ax = axes('Parent',fig);
plot(ax, XB([1:end 1],1),XB([1:end 1],2),'k');
for k=1:length(P)
Pk = P{k};
axis(ax,[-1.1 1.1 -0.1 1.1]);
  7 Kommentare
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong am 9 Nov. 2018
Bearbeitet: Bruno Luong am 9 Nov. 2018
If you want to increase the spacing between random polygonal you might shrink Pk (after shift the origin to the seed X(k,:)
Pk = X(k,:) + 0.5*(Pk - X(k,:)); % 0.5 is adjustable constant in (0,1)
right before the statement
Pk = W*Pk;
Not sure to understand your question about circle but I think you might open a new question with better description. It looks like an unrelated problem after formulation.
jahanzaib ahmad
jahanzaib ahmad am 20 Nov. 2018
Bearbeitet: jahanzaib ahmad am 20 Nov. 2018
i want to two different size only like 10 mm and 5 mm and not more then that and not less then that .or two fixed area ± 20 percent and skip the other sizes/areas in between ,
i have tried to do this generating random numbers twice .this is ur first code u uploaded ..(my exact problem is that 30 percent area of semi circle should be covered with same 5 mm±2mm polygons and 40 percent should be covered with 10mm ±2mm)
N = 10; % aaproximative Number of polygonals
n = 200; % control size and number of vertexes of polygonal
X = randn(N,2);
R = sqrt(rand(N,1));
X = R .* X ./ sqrt(sum(X.^2,2));
X(:,2) = abs(X(:,2));
nb = max(N,100);
theta = linspace(0,pi,nb)';
XC = [cos(theta), sin(theta)];
%XY0 = linspace(-1,1,nb)' .* [1 0];
%XY0([1 end],:) = [];
XALL = [X; XC];
n1 = size(X,1);
n2 = size(XC,1);
%n3 = size(XY0,1);
CC = n1+(1:n2-1)' + [0 1];
%C0 = (n1+n2)+(1:n3-1)' + [0 1];
C = [CC];
N1 = 10; % aaproximative Number of polygonals
n11 = 50; % control size and number of vertexes of polygonal
X1 = randn(N1,2);
R1 = sqrt(rand(N1,1));
X1 = R1 .* X1 ./ sqrt(sum(X1.^2,2));
X1(:,2) = abs(X1(:,2));
nb1 = max(N1,100);
theta1 = linspace(0,pi,nb1)';
XC1 = [cos(theta1), sin(theta1)];
XY01 = linspace(-1,1,nb1)' .* [1 0];
XY01([1 end],:) = [];
X1ALL = [X1; XC1; XY01];
n111 = size(X1,1);
n21 = size(XC1,1);
n31 = size(XY01,1);
CC1 = n111+(1:n21-1)' + [0 1];
C01 = (n111+n21)+(1:n31-1)' + [0 1];
C1 = [CC1; C01];
C3 = [C;C1];
X3 = [X1ALL;XALL] ;
DT = delaunayTriangulation(X3, C3);
[V,r] = voronoiDiagram(DT);
yV1 = V(:,2);
xV1 = V(:,1);
inside1 = (yV1 > 0) & (xV1.^2+yV1.^2) < 1;
inside1 = cellfun(@(ab) all(inside1(ab)), r);
r = r(inside1);
for k=1:length(r)
rk = r{k};
m1 = length(rk);
W1 = rand(m1-1,n) .^ (1./(m1-1:-1:1)');
W1 = cumprod([ones(1,n);W1]) .* (1-[W1; zeros(1,n)]);
W2 = rand(m1-1,n11) .^ (1./(m1-1:-1:1)');
W2 = cumprod([ones(1,n11);W2]) .* (1-[W2; zeros(1,n11)]);
%rk = X(k,:) + 0.9*(rk - X(k,:)); this line is not working with this
W=[W1 W2];
P = W'*V(rk,:);
K1 = convhull(P);
r{k} = P(K1,:);
% Check
close all
hold on
XB1 = [XC1; XY01];
plot(XB1([1:end 1],1),XB1([1:end 1],2),'b');
for k=1:length(r)
rk = r{k};
plot(rk([1:end 1],1),rk([1:end 1],2),'g');
axis equal;
axis([-1.1 1.1 -0.1 1.1]);
if value of n11 > n and N>N1 OVERLAPPING also happens .PLEASE

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Weitere Antworten (1)

jahanzaib ahmad
jahanzaib ahmad am 1 Jan. 2019
  5 Kommentare
jahanzaib ahmad
jahanzaib ahmad am 13 Jan. 2019
is this possible to get constant size polygons ? or to minimize the variation in size ?
jahanzaib ahmad
jahanzaib ahmad am 28 Jun. 2019
Edit code:
  1. make polygon more uniform in size at the trade off of randomness remove artifact of the border.
  2. adjust repulsion parameters.
  3. improve sticky-border artifact due to denser points
i tried to make a 3D buts it do not have the above mentioned qualities .i want to make the tetrahedron big enough that do not intersect but i want to control the number of vertices (maximum should be 15 ). plus uniform distribution inside cube .
my_vertices = [0 0 0; 0 1 0; 1 1 0; 1 0 0; 0 0 1; 0 1 1; 1 1 1; 1 0 1];
n1 = size(X,1);
DT = delaunayTriangulation(XALL(:,1),XALL(:,2),XALL(:,3));
[V,r] = voronoiDiagram(DT);
yV = V(:,2);
xV = V(:,1);
inside = (yV>0)&(yV<1)& (xV<1)& (xV > 0) &(zV<1)& (zV > 0) ;
inside = cellfun(@(id) all(inside(id)), r);
r = r(inside);
for k=1:length(r)
rk = r{k};
m = length(rk);
W = rand(m-1,n) .^ (1./(m-1:-1:1)');
W = cumprod([ones(1,n);W]) .* (1-[W; zeros(1,n)]);
%P = W'*V(rk,:);
% P = V(rk,:)- .0000001.*V(rk,:);
P =W'* (V(rk,:));
%P = W'*P;
K = convhull(P);
r{k} = P(K,:);
% plot(P(:,1),P(:,2),'.');
%hold on
for k=1:length(r)
rk = r{k};
DT3 = delaunayTriangulation(rk);
[C3,v3]= convexHull(DT3);
hold on

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