How to resolve the exceed of maximum supported wordlength of 128 bits in hdlcoder?
5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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kim lee
am 22 Aug. 2018
Kommentiert: Xisheng Yu
am 15 Okt. 2024
Dear All, I'm trying to implement the below equation in hdlcoder, But I've encountered "The computed word length of the result is 186 bits. This exceeds the maximum supported wordlength of 128 bits."
How can I resolve this problem?
out = (((389.12*d*d*d*d*d - 113.19*d*d*d*d + 131.1*d*d*d - 60.671*d*d + 3.7314*d + 50.1321)*(Y*Y*Y*Y*Y) + ...
(-112.11*d*d*d*d*d + 10.5*d*d*d*d - 43.21*d*d*d + 19.54*d*d - 4.048*d - 1.695)*(Y*Y*Y*Y) + ...
(1.16*d*d*d*d*d - 1.11*d*d*d*d + 4.38*d*d*d - 1.28*d*d - 5.097*d + 3.764)*(Y*Y*Y) + ...
(-90.05*d*d*d*d*d + 201.5*d*d*d*d - 3.94*d*d*d + 1386.7389*d*d - 714.54729*d + 0.36295))*1024);
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Akzeptierte Antwort
Kiran Kintali
am 23 Aug. 2020
HDL Coder supports various data types for synthesis. If you need high dynamic range in computation you need to use native floating types
If you need to use fixed-point types you need to limit intermediate type growth as the word length limitation for HDL code generation is 128bits.
Another approach to use is to split computation into multiple variables and use vectors of bundled data to carry related computations.
1 Kommentar
Xisheng Yu
am 15 Okt. 2024
Hi, when I do HDL code generation in Simulink, I get an error warning “The computed word length of the result is 130 bits. This exceeds the maximum supported wordlength of 128 bits.The formula is as follows:a=1-2*q2^2-2*q3^2.How can I solve this problem?Looking forward to your reply
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