probability distribution from a simple vector
13 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Assume a vector like... 1 3 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 3 4 2 1 1 2 3 4
How can I calculate the likelyhood that nr 2 follows after nr 3 or nr 1 follows after nr 2? Ideally I would like to display this relationship for all numbers in a probability distribution.
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Akzeptierte Antwort
am 17 Aug. 2018
Bearbeitet: Rik
am 20 Aug. 2018
Use meshgrid to generate all combinations and loop through them to count all occurrences. To convert to probability, divide by the total number of elements.
data=[1 3 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 3 4 2 1 1 2 3 5];
for k=1:numel(first)
data(1:(end-1))==first(k) &...
y=size(out,2):-1:1;%flip y-direction
y_label=cellfun(@(x) num2str(x),num2cell(y),'UniformOutput',0);
xlabel('First value')
ylabel('Second value')
3 Kommentare
am 20 Aug. 2018
To more easily add a scale, I've changed the previous code from imshow to image. I've also flipped the y-direction to have the (0,0) position in the lower left corner.
Weitere Antworten (2)
John D'Errico
am 8 Jun. 2022
Note that the use of meshgrid is wildly inefficient, if all you want to know is count the frequency of one number following another. For example, suppose the vector had a length of 1e6? Then you would be generating matrices with meshgrid of size 1e7 by 1e7. Do you really want that? Do you have enough memory?
M = 1e7*1e7;
disp("At a minimum, approximately " + M/1e9/8 + " gigabytes of RAM will be required to perform your computation.")
That seems like a lot, so unless you have god's computer on your desktop, you might consider alternatives. :)
For example:
n = 1e7;
datavector = randi(7,[1,n]);
% counts(i,j) gives the number of events where i fell directly before j in the vector
ind = (1:n-1);
counts = accumarray([datavector(ind);datavector(ind+1)]',1)
And for the actual frequency of those events in this sample, we have:
freq = counts/n
So we see a remarkably uniform distribution, as would be expected in this specific case, since randi will indeed be a uniform random genertor of integers.
Our expectation for the true frequency would be (as the sample size approaches infinity) is of course:
format long
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Steven Lord
am 8 Jun. 2022
If you only have a small number of potential states (and they're all integer values) you could try histcounts2.
rng default
A = randi(6, 100, 1);
histcounts2(A(1:end-1), A(2:end), 'BinMethod', 'integers')
Let's validate the 5 that is in element (5, 2).
locationOfFirst5 = find(A(1:end-1) == 5 & A(2:end) == 2)
There are five (5, 2) pairs.
A([locationOfFirst5, locationOfFirst5+1])
The other 5s are followed by other values.
other5s = find(A(1:end-1) == 5 & A(2:end) ~= 2);
A([other5s, other5s+1])
any(A(other5s+1) == 2) % false
If you want probabilities use a different Normalization.
histcounts2(A(1:end-1), A(2:end), 'BinMethod', 'integers', 'Normalization', 'probability')
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