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how to extract a specific text from text file

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
safa BY
safa BY am 16 Aug. 2018
Bearbeitet: Stephen23 am 17 Aug. 2018
I extract this line from my file : {'1;158.798;281.117;99.858;39.855;2182;'} and Next step is to extract the second , third , fourth and fifth numbers like this : [158.798,281.117,99.858,39.855]
Any help please ?
  2 Kommentare
Stephen23 am 16 Aug. 2018
@sofa BY: your example also incudes the fifth number. Is this correct?
safa BY
safa BY am 16 Aug. 2018

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Stephen23 am 16 Aug. 2018
Bearbeitet: Stephen23 am 16 Aug. 2018
>> C = {'1;158.798;281.117;99.858;39.855;2182;'};
>> D = regexp(C,';','split');
>> D{1}(2:5)
ans =
'158.798' '281.117' '99.858' '39.855'
>> str2double(D{1}(2:5)) % convert to numeric
ans =
158.798 281.117 99.858 39.855
  7 Kommentare
safa BY
safa BY am 17 Aug. 2018
Bearbeitet: Stephen23 am 17 Aug. 2018
Hello again Stephen, Can you help me please , ? I need to add a header to my textfile and this is my code :
for k=1:nbrRect
Cellule{k}=get(rectangles(k), 'Position');
tag= CellTag(k);
x1 = Cellule{k}(1)+Cellule{k}(3)/2;
y1 = Cellule{k}(2)+Cellule{k}(4)/2;
I added this line before fopen and the boucle for but there is no header in my file:
fprintf(fileID,'%d;%5.3f;%5.3f;%5.3f;%5.3f;%d;;%5.3f;%5.3f;\n','Person ID','pos1','pos2','Width','height','X centre','Y centre');
Stephen23 am 17 Aug. 2018
Bearbeitet: Stephen23 am 17 Aug. 2018
"I added this line before fopen and the boucle for but there is no header in my file"
That line will need to go after fopen and before the loop. You will also need to change the all of the format specifiers to %s.

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