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Why is the function "isequal" giving wrong answer when comparing string fields of two structure arrays?

9 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I have two structure arrays, say x and y. Each structure has two fields: name and data. Assume for example that:
x(1).name = 'name1'; x(2).name = 'name2';x(1).data = [1,2];x(2).data = [1,2];
y(1).name = 'name1'; y(2).name = 'name2';y(1).data = [1,2];y(2).data = [1,2];}
Now, the two structure arrays are identical. When I use "isequal" to compare and as following:
isequal(, it gives logic 1 output.
But, when I use "isequal" to compare and, it gives logic 0 output, although they are identical. Is this a problem in the function "isequal"? And, what can I do to compare and correctly?
  2 Kommentare
Stephen23 am 5 Aug. 2018
Bearbeitet: Stephen23 am 5 Aug. 2018
"Now, the two structure arrays are identical. "
"But, when I use "isequal" to compare and, it gives logic 0 output, although they are identical."
Sure. Because with your syntax you are not comparing those structures.
"Is this a problem in the function "isequal"?"
Nope, it is a problem with your code. The cause is very simple: this syntax
generates a comma-separated list, so they are directly equivalent to this:
x(1).data, x(2).data, ..., x(end).data
x(1).name, x(2).name, ..., x(end).name
which means your code is exactly equivalent to this:
isequal(x(1).data, x(2).data, ..., x(end).data, y(1).data, y(2).data, ..., y(end).data)
isequal(x(1).name, x(2).name, ..., x(end).name, y(1).name, y(2).name, ..., y(end).name)
which is thus equivalent to this (using your example data):
isequal([1,2], [1,2], [1,2], [1,2]) % all equal -> true
isequal('name1', 'name2', 'name1', 'name2') % all equal -> false
which according to the isequal help, " tf = isequal(A1,A2,...,An) returns logical 1 (true) if all the inputs are numerically equal." Are all of your multiple inputs numerically equal? In the first case they are, thus the true output, in the second case they are not, thus the false output. Thus there is no problem with isequal, it is doing exactly what it is documented to do.
To learn more about comma-separated lists:
"And, what can I do to compare and correctly?"
You can resolve this by putting the fields into one array, e.g. a cell array as jonas showed, or by simply comparing the complete structures.
Mohamed Abd El Raheem
Mohamed Abd El Raheem am 5 Aug. 2018
@Stephen Cobeldick: Thanks a lot for your great explanation. I was indeed missing that stuff of comma separated lists, and also, like jonas, I was confused by that "isequal" gives true when it takes and That result made me think it was a correct way to compare two fields of two structure arrays. Thanks again.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

jonas am 5 Aug. 2018
Bearbeitet: jonas am 5 Aug. 2018
Can't tell why isequal returns false in your code. However, you can easily fix it by adding some curly brackets:
ans =
  3 Kommentare
Stephen23 am 5 Aug. 2018
"Can't tell why isequal returns false in your code."
Surely your answer {} is a pretty big hint!
jonas am 5 Aug. 2018
The fact that isequal(, returned true made me confused. I failed to see that all four arrays were identical (thought there were two pairs).
Thanks for the explanation!

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