How to take unique rows based on two columns

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Mekala balaji
Mekala balaji am 5 Jul. 2018
Kommentiert: Image Analyst am 8 Jul. 2018
I have below previousDdata and currentData (cell matrix), and I want extract and add to currentData the unique rows based on column2 & column3(which does not exists in currentData) of previousData.
Date PreName PostName score rank
2018-01-01 A V 12 23
2018-01-01 H Q 45 95
2018-01-02 B K 10 36
Date PreName PostName score rank
2018-01-01 A V 12 23
2018-01-01 H Q 45 95
2018-05-12 P N 10 36
2018-06-14 X G 10 36
for example: row3 (B & K), does not exists in currentData, so I will retain it from previousData. My desired output is:
Date PreName PostName score rank
2018-01-01 A V 12 23
2018-01-01 H Q 45 95
2018-05-12 P N 10 36
2018-06-14 X G 10 36
2018-01-02 B K 10 36
  1 Kommentar
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 8 Jul. 2018
Please read this link and attach your table in a .mat file to make it easy for people to help you.

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Antworten (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 5 Jul. 2018
Try findgroups().
By the way, a table is NOT a cell matrix. They are two totally different kinds of variables!
Oh, and also please read this link to learn how to format your questions so people can read them.

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