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Trying to plot error

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
rivaldo rivaldo
rivaldo rivaldo am 17 Apr. 2018
Geschlossen: MATLAB Answer Bot am 20 Aug. 2021
I'm trying to run this code and get plot of the error as a function of epsilon but im getting blank plot, someone can help?
clear all;close all;clc
X = randn(2,1000); % make some input data
w = [1;1]; % define a linear function
n = randn(1,1000)*0.1; % produce some noise
Y = w'*X + n; % produce outputs
% scatter3(X(1,:),X(2,:),Y);
for iteration = 1 : 500 %in practice: until stopping
%criterion satisfied
grad = 2*sum(repmat(w'*X-Y,size(X,1),1).*X,2);
w = w - epsilon * grad;
err = sum((Y - w'*X).^2) %just to check

Antworten (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider am 17 Apr. 2018

You never change ‘epsilon’ in your code, so it remains a single scalar value. You need to create a vector from it if you want to plot with respect to it.

If you want to create a vector from ‘err’, subscript it:

err(iteration) = sum((Y - w'*X).^2); %just to check
  9 Kommentare
Star Strider
Star Strider am 18 Apr. 2018
Please see my Answer and previous Comments.
You must create epsilon as a vector in order to plot with respect to it.
Try this:
epsilonv = ones(size(err))*epsilon; % Create Vector For ‘epsilon’
plot(epsilonv, err, 'p')
njj1 am 18 Apr. 2018
Bearbeitet: njj1 am 18 Apr. 2018
But epsilon is not changing.
What if you did this instead:
clear all;close all;clc
epsilon=0.0001:0.0001:0.0009; %nine entries into epsilon
X = randn(2,1000); % make some input data
w = [1;1]; % define a linear function
n = randn(1,1000)*0.1; % produce some noise
Y = w'*X + n; % produce outputs
numiterations = 500;
wv = zeros(numiterations , 2);
err =zeros(numiterations, 1);
for j = 1:numel(epsilon)
e = epsilon(j);
for iteration = 1:numiterations
grad = 2*sum(repmat(w'*X-Y,size(X,1),1).*X,2);
w = w - e * grad;
wv(iteration, :) = w;
err(iteration,j) = sum((Y - w'*X).^2); %just to check
plot(epsilon,err(end,:)); %plot err at the final iteration against epsilon

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