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How to create an equation of a line with Matrix?

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Kash Costello
Kash Costello am 15 Jan. 2018
Bearbeitet: Walter Roberson am 16 Jan. 2018
I attached an image here and it is a matrix of 22x100.
fxy_2 = new_twenty_proj(329:350,222:321);
This is my fxy_2.
You can see at the upper left that there are a few numbers there. I was told that I need to use something like mx+b or equation of a line to get rid of those numbers. like if mx+b > (something over here), then I would only care about the numbers at the other part, not the ones on the upper left.
I don't know how to do this, though. I'm just a beginner in matlab and I read that i can use refline or polyfit or even regress.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you!
  3 Kommentare
Kash Costello
Kash Costello am 16 Jan. 2018
Yes! Or if I get the equation of the line, I need to say that the upper part of that line will not be part of my data set and the only ones I need are the ones below the line. (Does that make sense?)
I also have other set of data (something like this, and they are overlapping so I also need to do the same thing.
Jan am 16 Jan. 2018
I do not understand which line you are talking about. What is the "upper part" of a line - or in other words: where is "above" exactly? What is overlapping?

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