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Invalid default value for property ... Why?

13 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Laurent Davenne
Laurent Davenne am 6 Dez. 2017
Beantwortet: Laurent Davenne am 6 Dez. 2017
I am having an error for which I identified the cause, but not the reason. Here is a simplification of my code, just to give an example.
For this Code I get this error: Invalid default value for property 'C' in class 'suspension': Undefined function or variable 'A'.
If I drop those 3 lines in Command Window, of course it works... If I remove the 3rd line, then methods can access A and B.
So why? Does not matlab read properties line by line?
In fact in my code I have 15 arrays (copied from Excel) which I then concatenate into a matrix. It is more convenient for me to write it this way. But when a method call the Matrix, it says the 1 array of the matrix is not defined...
  1 Kommentar
Jan am 6 Dez. 2017
"it says the 1 array of the matrix is not defined..." Please post the complete error message instead of a rough rephrasing.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Laurent Davenne
Laurent Davenne am 6 Dez. 2017
I think I just found the answer here: post
I should use syntax class.propName

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