Help with how to interpret Code given in a paper

5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Garrett am 29 Jul. 2017
Kommentiert: Garrett am 31 Jul. 2017

I am reading this paper SOLVING TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM BY USING MATLAB and I am having trouble with the 4th code down "The MODI MEthod" the code that is given in the paper is a mess of misplaced 'end's and other such issues. Below I have given my attempt at pasting it but still crops up with errors such as 'function not permitted in this context' is there a technique for deciphering this?

clear all;
close all;
function [ibfs,objCost] = modi method(data)
x=input('enter the transportation matrix');
x=sd('supply; demand');
val = -1;
while val< 0[prow,pcol]=find(ibfs> 0);
    unoccupiedCells = [prow,pcol];
    r = 0;
    k = [column occupied];
    for i = 1:length(occupiedCells(1,:)) 
        ri = occupiedCells(1,i);
        kj = occupiedCells(2,i);
        [r,k] = occupiedSystemSolve(r,k,ri,kj,cost);
    improvementIndex = zeros(length(unoccupiedCells(1,:)),3);
    for i = 1:length(unoccupiedCells(1,:)) 
        ri = unoccupiedCells(1,i);
        kj = unoccupiedCells(2,i);
        e = cost(ri,kj) - r(ri) - k(kj);
        improvementIndex(i,:) = [ri,kj,e];
    [val,ind] = min(improvementIndex(:,end));
    if val< 0 %check whether improvement is required ri = improvementIndex(ind,1);
        kj = improvementIndex(ind,2);
        disp(['Create a circuit around cell (' num2str(ri) ',' num2str(kj) ')' ]);
        circuitImproved = [ri,kj,0];
        n = input('Enter number of element that forms the circuit: ');
    for i = 1:n 
        nCells = input(['Enter the index of cell ' num2str(i) ' that forms the circuit: ']);
        if mod(i,2) == 0 circuitImproved(i+1,:) = [nCells, ibfs(nCells(1),nCells(2))];
        else circuitImproved(i+1,:) = [nCells, -ibfs(nCells(1),nCells(2))];
    ibfs = reallocateDemand(ibfs,circuitImproved);
    objCost = sum(sum(ibfs.*cost));
    function [r,k] = occupiedSystemSolve(r,k,ri,kj,cost)
    if length(r)>=rik(kj)== cost(ri,kj)-r(ri);
    elser(ri) = cost(ri,kj)-k(kj);
    function [y,demand,supply,ctemp] = chkdemandsupply(demand,supply,ded,sud,ctem)
    tempd= demand;
    temps = supply;
    if tempd(ded) > temps(sud) 
        temps(sud) = 0;
        tempd(ded) = demand(ded) - supply(sud);
        y = supply(sud);ctem(sud,:) = inf;
    elseif tempd(ded) < temps(sud) 
        tempd(ded) = 0;
        temps(sud) = supply(sud) - demand(ded);
        y = demand(ded);
        ctem(:,ded) = inf;
    elseif  tempd(ded) == temps(sud) 
        tempd(ded) = 0;
        temps(sud) = 0;
        y = demand(ded);
        ctem(:,ded) = inf;
        ctem(sud,:) = inf;
demand =tempd;
supply = temps;
ctemp = ctem;
disp(['the transportation cost is ', sum(sum(ibfs.*cost))]);
  3 Kommentare
Garrett am 31 Jul. 2017
okay the if true thing is just the comment box auto addition thing that idk how to get rid of, but i will try fixing the functions
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 31 Jul. 2017
The code is broken. I posted a less-broken version.

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Antworten (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 30 Jul. 2017
Yep, that code is a mess.
Some of the parts you are looking at appear to be the same as in the earlier which has the same typos.
I have done some cleaning up of the code, and have attached that.
However, the code is still not usable. It uses the undefined function sd(). It is not clear why it uses that. It is not clear why it bothers with data or x or sd as it does not use any of those. But it does have an internal prompt about circuits, and it is not clear from the paper what values should be input there.
Some of the other code in that paper has completely bogus function names. And the sd() part just doesn't make sense.
  1 Kommentar
Garrett am 31 Jul. 2017
Thank you, it is a shame it doesn't work. I have had no luck doing it from scratch either.

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