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Variables deleting when in a function

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Suzie Oman
Suzie Oman am 5 Apr. 2017
Bearbeitet: Jan am 5 Apr. 2017
When I am running a function ( a 3 x 300 array), all but the first line is deleted. Does anyone know why this might happen?

Antworten (1)

Jan am 5 Apr. 2017
Bearbeitet: Jan am 5 Apr. 2017
No. The provided information does not allow to guess the reason, sorry. But you can find the problem using the debugger. Set a breakpoint in the first line of teh function. Then call the function and step through it line by line. Observe the concerned array in the WorkSpace-Browser to see, where the values are deleted.
Note: "A function" and a "3 x 300 array" are two different things. I assume, you call a function with a [3 x 300] matrix as input - correctly?


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