Using same slider for more than one subplots (slider_plot)

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Shreya Thusoo
Shreya Thusoo am 12 Mär. 2017
Beantwortet: Jan am 12 Mär. 2017
I have multiple plots in a figure that I want to animate at the same time to see the effect of changing variable on all the functions.
I am using slider_plot function to do this. But I am unable to understand how I can associate the same 'unicontrol' function with all of them. What I want is that when I slide my slider, all the subplots should show the effect of change of variable value. One slider to control all the plots.
Can someone please help me with this.
Thank you.
  1 Kommentar
Jan am 12 Mär. 2017
Bearbeitet: Jan am 12 Mär. 2017
Please post, what "slider_plot" is. Letting the readers search is less efficient.

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Antworten (1)

Jan am 12 Mär. 2017
The slider uicontrol is not "associated" with the other objects magically, but the callback of this uicontrol can access all availables graphic objects directly. If "slider_plot" means this, thoe code is slightly confusing. It migth be easier to start with a standard slider and deliver all required axes handles as inputs or using the handles struct.

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