How can I add two vectors of same length or different length using for-loops?

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
for example: x=[9 9 9 9];y=[9 9 9 9] The result should be as z=[1 9 9 9 8]. How can I write a code using for-loops or any other means. Greatly appreciate help
  2 Kommentare
KSSV am 7 Mär. 2017
How x = [9 9 9 9], y = [9 9 9 9] becomes z = [1 9 9 9 8]? What is the logic?
Sunil Kunjachan
Sunil Kunjachan am 7 Mär. 2017
I mean direct addition from right to left. That is first 9+9=18. Then that 1 carry over to the next left position. There it 9+9+1=19.Again that 1 is carry over to the next left position and add. The result is 19998. Thanks for the reply

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Jan am 7 Mär. 2017
Bearbeitet: Jan am 7 Mär. 2017
Using the string conversion is efficient as long as the input does not have more than 16 digits. For longer vectors the limited precision of double will crop the least significant digits. For an arbitrary number of digits:
function c = DigitsAdd(a, b)
% Author: Jan Simon, License: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0
isrow = size(a, 2) > 1;
na = numel(a);
nb = numel(b);
a = [zeros(max(1, nb - na + 1), 1); a(:)]; % Pad with at least one zero
b = [zeros(max(1, na - nb + 1), 1); b(:)];
c = a + b; % Standard addition
carry = 0; % Shift the values above 10
for k = numel(c):-1:1
cc = c(k) + carry;
c(k) = rem(cc, 10);
carry = (cc - c(k)) / 10; % Must be integer
if c(1) == 0 % Crop leading zero
c = c(2:numel(c));
% If wanted crop all leading zeros:
% c = c(find(c, 1):numel(c));
if isrow % Reply a row vector if input "a" was one
c = c.';

Weitere Antworten (1)

Sunil Kunjachan
Sunil Kunjachan am 7 Mär. 2017
Thank you very much Jan.


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